Guest Strips?

I’ve never offered this before, figuring there might not be that many people interested in doing it, but it was recently suggested to me that I should send out a call for BF guest strips. If you have your own webcomic and would like to make a BF guest strip in exchange for a link to your comic, please contact me and we can work out the details. –Jaycee

Return of the Dirty Ads

*sigh* Theres a bit of bad news for you non-members. I’ve always tried to keep Bloomin’ Faeries! clean. Despite the strip being NSFW, I’ve rejected (as much as I could) ads that contained full nudity because it didn’t fit with the image and branding of the site. That choice, however, came at a price, namely with a huge limitation on the potential ads that could be displayed. With fewer advertisers interested, ad prices tend to go down, which in turn reduces ad revenues. This wasn’t so bad while membership was up, but after the Paypal fiasco, we lost 20% of the members. So now, we’re  hemorraging money. Come end of July, if the situation hasn’t improved, I plan on opening the advertisement to… “cruder” types of ads. Members (who don’t see the ads) will be unaffected, but the rest of you might be exposed to some tasteless stuff. I apologize for this in advance and promise you to remove those ads as soon as possible. Best regards, –Jaycee

Mischief in Cuba (Part II)

The next day was spent relaxing by the beach. I wore TONS of sunscreen (I’m pretty white). Brooke didn’t need quite as much. Even as a man, she was always keeping up a basic tan to look good. As a chick, she would go to the tanning salon at least twice a week. For the most part, we did nothing. I needed to rest from work, and she just enjoyed basking in the sun like a lizard. So my main activity that day was to go back and forth between my recliner chair and the beach’s mini-bar. At one point in the afternoon, while waiting for some drinks (two mudslides), this blonde chick came over to order something. She had a pretty slim body, a lovely face, but not much of a rack. Actually, she was rather nice looking, until she started showing signs of impatience at the bartender’s pace. She turned to me, side-nodding in the bartender’s direction. “Did you order those yesterday? Service is SO slow here…” I shrugged. “I’m not in a rush. But if you want,” I offered with a helpful smile, “you can have my drinks and I’ll order some more.” “Wow! You’re a dear! My girlfriend and I are sitting over there. Bring us the drinks and you can join us, if you want.” Huh. I hadn’t offered to bring her the drinks, just to let her take mine… But I guess she was one of those entitled people who just assume their looks can let them get away with anything. Not the kind of people I like to interact with. So I waited for the drinks, then sprinkled a bit of faerie dust on them. I took the drinks to the two girls and delivered it as promised. “Here you go ma’am, ma’am,” I said, smiling at each. “Compliments of the house.” I turned to depart when the blonde called out. “Hey, you’re not staying?” I pointed at Brooke with an over-the-shoulder thumb. “I’m with someone. Just thought I’d be a gentleman. Enjoy the drinks.” And with that, I took off. (If you’re not familiar with what I did just there, it’s called a “false disqualifier.” It’s a trick I’d learned from Brooke. It’s a way to make yourself attractive by being technically unavailable. Also, I didn’t want to get caught in whatever was about to happen. I hadn’t put the faerie dust in the drinks for my own benefit, but just to embarrass them and take them down a notch or two…) After I returned to my chair, I directed Brooke’s attention to the two girls. I explained what I’d done, which amused Brooke to no end. So we watched, wondering what was going to happen. After a few minutes, the girls stopped chatting and just lay there, soaking in the sun. I noticed the blonde was repressing gestures to scratch her chest. Her friend (a taller, bustier brunette) was repeatedly squeezing her thighs. And a short while later, the blonde turned to tell her friend something (we couldn’t hear from where we were). Both got up and headed into the water. And when they were far enough, the real fun started. They lowered themselves into the water so that only their heads would show, and started kissing. I have no doubt what their hands and bodies were doing… And they were at it for a good while. Until the brunette let out some kind of shout, which sent her blonde friend into a giggle fit. Brooke and I knew exactly what had happened, and we suspected many other beach-goers had figured it out too. For the rest of the day, though, Brooke and I were good and didn’t inflict any pranks on anyone. The next day, though, was another story. Brooke was in a randy mood and felt like having some sexy fun with these same girls. And so she did. But we’ll get to that next time… –Jaycee

Mischief in Cuba (Part I)

The plane to get to Cuba was delayed, so there was a bit of waiting before departure. Since it was very early in the morning, and both Brooke and I had packed our things late the night before, we slept through most of the wait. After we finally took off, it took a bit under 5 hours to get there. After picking up our luggage and getting into the bus, we arrived at the resort. It was noonish and, fortunately, our room was ready. First problem: this was supposed to be a room with two beds. As it turns out, it was a single, queen-sized bed. I checked with front desk, and they apologized for the problem, but there were no other rooms left. We’d have to make do with that, or one of us could use the couch. Brooke was quick to claim the bed (“Mine!”) and point to the couch (“Yours!”). I objected, but she said I had to be gallant and let her have the bed (“‘Cuz I’m a chick.”). I objected forcefully (“No you’re not! You just misplaced your dick!”), but she would have none of it. “Fine,” I conceded. “You get the bed tonight, I get it tomorrow. We’ll take turns. That’s fair, right?” She didn’t say anything, and I knew this was an argument I was going to lose night after night. Well, we’d cross that bridge when we’d get there, wouldn’t we? I was still pretty tired (from the rush at work), but I didn’t want to spend all my time inside the room sleeping. Instead, I’d go to the beach, lie down on a chair, and soak up the sun. (Yes, I did wear powerful sunscreen, and NO, not the one that Minx had given me.) Brooke joined me, wearing one of those flimsy slingshot bikinis–the kind that’s designed for tanning, not swimming. Honestly, I hadn’t really “seen” her goods in a while, and was suddenly reminded of how hot Mandy’s body was. And the people on the beach certainly noticed too (not just the guys, by the way). We spent most of the afternoon on the beach, reading, sleeping, drinking little drinks with umbrellas in them, and (in my case) swimming in the ocean. At night, there was a welcoming dinner at the fancy restaurant of the resort. Brooke wore her “little black dress,” the one that’s designed to show off her legs, boobs, and heck, all of her, really. I had to admit it was a little distracting, and she caught me staring down her cleavage more than a few times. She was a good sport about it, though, and didn’t give me TOO much of a hard time. (As a side note, if you’ve never been to Cuba, just know you don’t go there for the food. Or the wine. But service was great, and this was a free trip, so neither of us complained.) We then went to see the evening show, which was something called “Crazy Cabaret.” There was some singing, some comedy, and some dancing. At one particular moment, one of the male dancers stumbled and nearly dropped his partner, a tall and elegant (but snob-looking) latina. She gave him such a dirty look (for just a fraction of a second, but long enough for me to notice) that I thought she was going to slap him. She regained her composure quickly and the show went on, but Brooke leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. “What a bitch! Leading isn’t easy, she should cut the guy some slack.” “Yeah,” I murmured, still focused on the show. “Maybe you should loosen her up a bit,” Brooke suggested. “She looks pretty photogenic to me…” I quickly got it. Brooke was referring to my iPhone, and its special ability. I sighed. “You’re impossible!” I grumbled. “No, just highly improbable,” she said, grinning from ear to ear. So I quickly pulled out my iPhone, pointed it at Brooke, and snapped a shot before she could react. “Wait no! *Aaaah*” There. That would teach her (and distract her) while I pointed it at the dancer. I zoomed in, snapped two rapid shots, and watched with amusement as she immediately slunk sexily against her partner (who was more than a little surprised by the sudden closeness). Gone was the biatch, in was the purring kitty. “Jaycee,” Brooke said, “you bastard!” Yeah, this was going to be one FUN vacation… –Jaycee

Paypal: Die! Die! Die! :(

Hi everyone, If you’ve been following the Paypal Saga that I’ve tried to resolve for the last 3+ weeks now, you’ll be glad to hear there are SOME good news. For those of you who wanted to become subscribers, you can now do so. I’ve opened and setup a new Paypal account, and I’m now able to accept new members to the site. For the old-timers, however, the news are not as good. You will STILL have access to the members area until your membership runs out, then your account will expire automatically. You will need to manually re-subscribe if you wish to do so (it will be done using the new Paypal account). I am also considering accepting credit cards (through ccBill), but that’s a more substantial investment. If you are among the people who DON’T have a Paypal account and would subscribe if there was that option, please leave a comment below so I have an idea how many people would potentially do it. Again, I can’t apologize enough for this whole mess. I should’ve known better than to check my account from Cuba… 🙁 –Jaycee  

Mischief in Cuba (Prelude)

As I mentioned earlier, a few weeks ago I won a trip to Cuba. The timing was great because work had been a bit taxing, and I needed a break. And because this was a trip for two, and most of my other friends were too busy with work, Brooke was the only person who could join me for that week of fun and sunshine. Minx (like most faeries) doesn’t like traveling in human vehicles, so she couldn’t come. That was unfortunate, but we talked about doing some “fun stuff,” and worked out a way to do it even if she wasn’t there. First off, she gave me some faerie dust. That can always come in handy. Also, she enchanted my iPhone camera so that every time I took a photo of someone, it would give that person a little erotic jolt. And since the effect was cumulative, I figured that could lead to amusing situations. But the best was the sunscreen, she said, though she didn’t tell me what it did. That was a surprise. She said it’d be best if Brooke didn’t use it, but wouldn’t tell me any more than that. And so, equipped with Minx’s gifts, we were off to Cayo Coco. –Jaycee

Evil Cuba?

For those who’ve been wondering where I’ve been in the last 2 weeks, here’s a quick update: through sheer luck, I won a trip to Cuba, all expenses paid, 1 week. I’m not particularly wealthy, so I was thrilled to get this lucky break. (And just like you, I’m wondering if there wasn’t some kind of faerie mischief behind this, but Minx denied everything.) So that’s where I was for a full week, and I’ll talk a little bit about the fun stuff that happened there in upcoming posts. But before that, I have to talk about Internet access in Cuba (or the lack thereof). Let me start by saying that Cuba is a wonderful place, and Cubans are lovely and warm people. I have nothing but affection for them. Unfortunately, their access to the Internet is pretty limited, for reasons I’m sure you’ll understand. Emails were hard to get, and we even almost failed to make a weekly update because I couldn’t do t remotely. (Big props for Wondollar for coming through!) My REAL troubles started when I  made the fatal mistake of wanting to check my Paypal account from there. Because you see, Cuba is a banned country in the US, and that raised all sorts of flags, which led to my Paypal account becoming limited. This is why, for the past 2 weeks, there have been difficulties with membership creation and management. So for the last week, I have been doing some back-and-forth with their customer service to try and resolve this. I realize this may be inconvenient to many among you and I deeply regret the situation. Im doing everything I can to fix this promptly. So that’s that for the Paypal stuff. On the brighter side, I’ll have to tell you all about the “Mischief in Cuba” that Brooke and I went through. But that’s not for now… –Jaycee

Next update: Sunday

More Apologies

I must also apologize for anyone who’s run into membership problems lately. I’ve run into a glitch with Paypal that I’m trying to resolve (which is taking a bit of time). I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience and I’ll notify everyone here as soon as everything has been fixed. In the meantime, what does this mean? Probably that no new members can be added. Also,  it may cause login issues for current members. It may even cause your membership to be cancelled by the system, which may think you haven’t paid your subscription. If you’re running into these kind of issues, please be patient. All will be restored in the next few days (I hope).. Thanks for your patience. –Jaycee

Fredrika = Matsumoto Rangiku

There’s an anime convention in town this weekend. Last night, there was a cosplay contest, and Fredrika had asked me earlier in the week if I could come, and even bring some friends, to help cheer for her. (Apparently, these contests aren’t judged by a panel, but by the crowd itself.)

When I got to the conference hall, I called Fredrika to let her know I’d arrived, and for her to meet me in the main hall. When she met me, she was wearing this large overcoat that completely hid her costume. I could tell she wanted to surprise me with what was under it. I couldn’t help but joke a little.

“You know, that coat thing is a little creepy. You ARE wearing something under this, right?”

She laughed, blushing a little.

“Come this way and find out.”

We went to a more secluded corner of the hall, and with her back to the people wandering about, she dropped the coat.

Holy Mammaries, Batman! She was dressed as Matsumoto Rangiku, a rather… “racktastic” character from the anime series Bleach. Considering how modest Fredrika’s chest is, I couldn’t quite figure out how she had managed to turn herself from a small B-cup into… that! (Yeah, yeah, the costume was pretty well made, but seriously, that was some impressive cleavage.)

“Wow! That’s some pretty impressive… work, right there.”

She nodded, clearly happy with my reaction.

“It’s amazing what a bit of padding and proper positioning will do, right?”

I realized I was staring at her breasts and tore my eyes to look up. “You really… look the part. Seriously, that’s… all you?”

“Yes,” she said. “Actually, the character is a bit… bigger. But that’s all I could manage.”

I kind of wished for a moment she’d been able to manage a little bit more, but hey, that was still pretty good.

“Okay, the contest starts in 5 minutes. I should… *oooh*”

She brought a hand to her head and steadied herself against the wall. She looked a little dizzy and confused. She was breathing a little heavily, which drew my attention to her chest once more. That’s when I noticed she was growing… bigger in that area. It didn’t last long, maybe 5-10 seconds, but she got big enough that I was very worried she was going to pop out of her kimono-thing.

Damn. These things were almost hypnotic, they were so big!

The dizziness seemed to pass. She looked around, a little confused but otherwise normal.

“Fredrika? Are you all right?”

She shot me an odd look. “Who’s this Fredrika? My name is Matsumoto Rangiku, and I am a Shinigami! If you’re done ogling me, I have a contest to attend — and win!”

And with that, she moved past me and went up the stairs. I noticed it wasn’t just her breasts that had grown, it was her whole figure that had somehow been changed.

It took me only a second to figure it out. I opened by left jacket pocket and looked inside. Yup, sure enough, there was Minx, one hand covering her mouth to suppress her childish giggle.

I really have to be more careful  what stuff I think or wish for, even if I think I’m alone. You never know when a faerie’s going to overhear it and act on it…

Would it surprise you to learn that Fredrika won the contest?

(And yes, she returned to normal afterwards, and never quite realized what had happened to her body during the contest.)


Next Update: Wednesday (May 16)

Sexy Gym Stories (Part II)

I brought Minx with me to the gym again yesterday. I had an idea that I wanted to try. I explained it to Minx, and she thought it was great. She clapped her hands and just couldn’t wait to try it. It involves spinning. Honestly, I think it’s a very sexy sport. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a bunch of people on stationary bikes following the instructions of some crazy trainer who’s pushing them to their limit. I’ve looked at these people a few times, and the chicks are pretty hot. They often wear very sexy and form-fitting leggings, which I have a weak spot for. Because there’s a lot of screaming and loud music, they do this in a closed room (with glass walls so we can see inside). So after my morning training, I went to stand next to the spinning room and watched them start their routine. Minx already knew what to do, so I just sat back and waited for the magic to happen. What’s that, you ask? Minx’s task was to “grow” little vibrating bumps on every seat. For the women’s bikes, the bump was closer to the front; for the men, it was closer to the back. I’m sure you can imagine the possibilities, and the consequences. To make things more interesting, the faster one pedaled, the more intense the vibration would be. I was wondering what people’s reactions would be — would they complain about it? Would they try to switch seats? Would they just walk out of the class? Only a few did. For the most part, people just pedaled and followed the instructor’s directives. It was great watching some of these girls lean forward and REALLY grind their crotch against the seat. I noticed a lot of gaping mouths, sweaty foreheads, and more than a few tight and erect nipples through the tank tops. (Some of the girls tried wearing their towels around their neck in an attempt to hide their arousal, but I wasn’t fooled, not one bit.) It was also pretty interesting to see many of the guys just… sit back and keep pedaling, their towel laid conveniently over their lap to (no doubt) hide their erection. I gotta admit, I’m having some fun with these things. It’s not REALLY harming anyone, and in fact I think I’m responsible for at least ONE couple getting together after the spinning session. One guy and one girl were so revved up that they went to a somewhat secluded corner of the gym and made out a little. That’s me, Matchmaker Jaycee! –Jaycee Next Update: Wednesday

(Coming Soon)