Mallory and Me…

I’ve known Brooke for at least ten years, now, but he never said anything about his cousin Mallory. I guess that shouldn’t be such a surprise. When you think about it, how many cousins of your friends do you know? Not many, I’m sure. That other night when we went hunting for phone numbers, I have to admit I was pretty shocked when Brooke introduced her to me. But beyond the fact I’d never heard of her, I was surprised by how much in control she is. Thanks to my faerie sight, I can clearly tell she’s really into me, but in another way, I’m stunned at her ability to resist her impulses. I don’t need to nudge her, she’s already on my side. She’s playful, she’s funny, and she’s quite a tease at times, but I just can’t seem to get her over that threshold. I’ll admit, I’ve given some thought to bringing Minx with me next time I go out, and ask her to make some magic happen, but part of me is resisting that urge. Mallory is a puzzle that I WANT to figure out on my own. Having some faerie help would just spoil that. Anyway, we’ve been hanging out in town the last few nights. I’ll let you know how things progress. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Nudge This!

Saturday night, Brooke and I went to a club to have a few drinks. Things have been a bit rough with Meghan lately and I think he wanted to talk. As I’ve discovered, she’s slowly becoming a very successful photographer and she’s getting more and more international contracts. This has meant a lot of work abroad in the last few months and it’s caused a strain in their relationship. Brooke says she keeps mentioning Manuel, a Spanish fashion magazine owner who keeps calling and texting her (even in the middle of the night). Brooke’s not a jealous guy, but he knows when someone is making a play for his girl. So in order to help Brooke lighten up, I decided to challenge him to a pickup contest. I figured with my Nudge, I’d be able to keep up with him, maybe even win. I haven’t really practiced it, despite what you might think. With Morgan taking care of my sexual needs (and then some!), I haven’t been feeling any particular urge to fool around with female strangers. The rules were pretty straightforward. We started the contest at 10:15PM. Each of us had 45 minutes to get as many phone numbers as we could. Loser would pay drinks for the rest of the evening. From previous experience, I knew I could get around one number every six minutes and change (yes, I did the math!). That meant I could do around seven numbers before the time was up. Maybe a little more if I pushed it (but I knew this would mean a headache). The things I do for friends. So we went to work. We’ve done this before, and of course Brooke would always crush me. This time, though, I’d make him proud and return the favor. Things were off to a good start. I approached two girls, did some small talk, and learned they were BFFs with benefits. It’s amazing what you can get out of some girls with just a few good openings and a playful attitude (the openings alone don’t work). I barely had to do any nudging for BOTH of them to give me their numbers and invite me for some fun together later. Things kept rolling and after thirty minutes, I was up to eight numbers already–a pace below four minutes a girl. At this rate, I might be able to push a dozen before 11PM. And then that girl happened. Tall girl, sexy smile, long red hair, good figure, wearing casual jeans, a t-shirt and a vest. She had–get this!–some beads and feathers in her hair, and was drinking beer straight from the bottle. There was a hippie vibe about her that reminded me a bit of Zuri’s free spirit. There was something very approachable about her and I thought this was going to be easy. She noticed me checking her out and raised her bottle in a silent toast to my health or something. So I approached her and got to work. I went for the Oh-I-thought-you-were-someone-else approach. “Hey,” I started, “I was wondering where you–oh, you’re not Susan!” “Nope,” she said, smiling and half-turning from me. She gulped down some beer and winked at me. “There’s no Susan, is there?” Uh oh, I thought. She’s on to me, so I might as well drop the game and play it straight. “Ah, no,” I said with a grin. “Well, there’s probably a Susan somewhere, but she looks nothing like you.” She just smiled. “I should warn you, we’re not leaving together tonight.” Well, that was direct. Then she turned to face me, wrapped her arms around my neck, drew me in and kissed me on the lips. Wow. That threw me off my game a little. A lot, actually. I got a little flustered and broke the kiss. “Ah, for someone who’s not leaving with me tonight, I think you’re sending mixed signals.” “Doesn’t mean we won’t ever leave together, just not tonight.” She stepped back, held up her beer bottle and shook it a little. Empty. “Want another?” I asked. She nodded, so I motioned for a wandering waitress to bring us to more of what she was having. We chatted for a while and, I’m embarrassed to say, I lost track of time. It was the weirdest thing, though. I could tell she really liked me, but no matter how much I nudged her, I couldn’t get her to give me her phone number. I tried the indirect approach, reverse psychology, and, out of moves, fell back on just plain asking for it. Nothing worked. I’d never encountered anyone who was so in control in this kind of situation (well, Brooke being the exception). Finally, with that thought, it finally dawned on me. The feathers in the hair were a dead give away, I just hadn’t picked up on it: this was a pick-up artist, female version. Just like Brooke. And with that, it was 11PM and Brooke suddenly appeared near us, grinning victoriously. “I got TEN!” he said, not even acknowledging the girl I was talking to. I just realized I didn’t even know her name! “Ah,” I began, realizing I was still short. “I’m not… I don’t…” Feeling like a fool, I didn’t want her to know we were playing some game and she was part of it. Brooke glanced at the girl and winked. “Thanks for the assist,” he said. She slipped by his side and put her arm around his waist. “No problem,” she said, grinning at me. “Wait, you two KNOW each other?” I’d been played! Of COURSE they knew each other. She was a pick-up artist, just like Brooke. Probably one of his many wingmen (or wingwomen?)… It finally dawned on me that Brooke must have called her in to stall me. He knows about my Nudge so he needed someone to neutralize me while he got more phone numbers! What a bastard! (But a clever one, I have to admit.) “Sure we do,” Brooke said. “This is my cousin Mallory. Taught me everything I know about women.” So I think this warrants a DUN DUN DUUUUUN

I’m Doing It

Happy father’s Day to all of you out there who stopped fapping long enough to procreate. Good on y’all. In other news, in the spirit of seizing the day (and giving it a slightly perverted twist), I’ve made the spontaneous decision to change the way I sign my posts and comments from now on. It will go like this: -I’m doing it. Aside from the obvious reference, it’s also meant to be a celebration of living in the moment and doing right now the things we postpone in he future. ‘Cuz you never know what could happen… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

New Comic Sample

I’ve spoken about this a little while back, and now it’s finally happening. There’s now a long-form (i.e. story-driven) comic starting in the Members Area. Instead of being the usual “gag of the day” formula on the main page, this is an ongoing story that runs parallel to the main strip. Drawn, inked and colored by Cabrera/Navarro (the super talented team behind PortalComic, who have produced some of the most incredible breast expansion comics from, this will feature the adventures of a faerie whisperer who lost control of her faerie. With the roles now reversed, what mischief awaits her? Here’s a sample of the first page: LiFangFei 01T_Sample Hope you stick around to read more of it. But if you don’t want to become a member, that’s okay too–those pages will be available for download the following month after they’re released. –Jaycee


I think I’ve found out something interesting about Attitude. Maybe it’s something about all faeries, I don’t know.

Earlier today, I was cleaning up Cleopatra’s terrarium. (Cleopatra is my pet tarantula, if you didn’t remember.) I generally clean it up every few months to make sure it’s… well, clean. While I was cleaning up, I put Cleo away in the kitchen sink, figuring she’d be safe (wouldn’t fall off the kitchen counter). Tarantulas can’t climb stainless. While I was busy cleaning up the terrarium, however, Attitude flew by to see what I was up to. When she noticed the terrarium was empty (i.e. there was no tarantula), she paled and look around in a panic. She didn’t say anything, but I know my faeries and this one was terrified. Finally, she spotted Cleo in the sink and flew away prudently.

“You shouldn’t let that creature roam freely,” she said, her voice breaking a little. “Those things are filthy.”

“She’s not free,” I replied, “she’s in the sink. She’s not going anywhere.”

Attitude shrugged.

“I can kill it for you, if you want,” she offered. When I shook my head, she continued. “You like that creature?”

“Yeah, I do. It’s not as dangerous as people say, you know.”

“They’re filthy,” she repeated. “Maybe I’ll kill it while you sleep or when you’re gone.”

And she flew away, not waiting for my reaction.

I guess faeries don’t like spiders much. At least Attitude doesn’t.


History of Faeries (I)

Last week, I questioned Minx to learn more about the history of faeries as well as the bad blood there is between them and humans. Bear in mind the following is a junior faerie’s opinion on the matter and it may be inaccurate in many ways. But perhaps it will help better understand how they feel about us. ME: I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Attitude would never answer me this, but I hope you will. MINX: Okie. Whatcha wanna know? ME: Why do faeries hate humans so much? MINX: Oh, THAT. Because we love you so much, s’why. ME (after a pause): Not the answer I was expecting. But if I think about it, that’s an almost-human answer… We did something really bad, didn’t we? MINX: Yup. You enslaved and killed lots of us. ME: Well, if you tortured humans the way Attitude did me, I can imagine my ancestors would have gotten upset and– MINX (frowning): No! That’s a silly notion! We LOVE humans, we almost can’t help– Attitude arrived just at that moment and put a hand on Minx’s mouth. ATTITUDE: Minx, you SHUSH now! I don’t care how much you like your human, you do NOT share our history with them. MINX: MmffF? ME: C’mon, Attitude, you don’t need to hide things from me. I’m not your enemy… She glared at me and pointed a threatening finger. ATTITUDE: YOU of all people better stay away from me! I may not be allowed to curse you anymore, but if you don’t want to be sexually assaulted by every person you meet in the street, you’ll back off. ME: Whoa, all right, all right, I hear you. I just thought– ATTITUDE: Don’t THINK! That’s how you humans get into TROUBLE. A little feeling wouldn’t hurt you, from time to time. And with this, she let Minx go and flew away. I looked at my little faerie friend and saw tears welling up in her eyes. MINX: I’m rilly sorry, Jaycee. And she flew away.

Life Update

So here’s how things have been lately. First, Brooke and Meghan. With Brooke’s “situation,” you might have been wondering how their couple survived that setback. It probably won’t surprise you that the whole thing freaked Meghan out in the beginning. She already knew male-Brooke from way back, when she and I used to date, so the appearance change was less than a shock. The real problem was the… y’know, lack of male tools and all. As it turns out, though, Brooke’s a master at this particular type of craft and I get hints (from Meghan, actually) that some earth-shattering orgasms have changed her mind. Jennifer is gone. Not from my life, I mean, but gone from the country. She took an IT contract in France (somewhere in Provence) until the end of August. I follow her adventures on facebook and she seems to be enjoying herself quite a bit. Her French was already very good (I think), so I’m assuming it’ll be great when she gets back. Morgan’s been coming over to my place from time to time. Attitude is the one who’s insisted I have her come over here because she wants to “study” her a bit more. For me, well… you know the drill. Lots of sex and all that. Attitude hasn’t shared her conclusions with me, but Minx says that the curses on Morgan are pretty complicated. She also says that Attitude gets very upset when Minx asks her questions about it. I think Attitude doesn’t actually understand the magic that’s on Morgan and that makes her irritable. There’s been an interesting development in my faerie sight, by the way. I’m calling it the Nudge. As you probably know, I can tell a woman’s level of arousal pretty easily thanks to the Sight. That’s been a fantastic help in finding out if I have a shot or not with a girl. But there’s this gray, middle area where a girl is neither interested nor repelled by me. Normally, things either go one way or the other depending on what I say or do. But lately, with some coaching from Minx, I’ve discovered I can nudge a girl favorably toward me. I guess it’s more of a tug than a nudge, but why quibble over semantics. So with this in hand, yesterday I went to a dance club where Brooke and I used to go and decided to try my luck with some of the girls there. I’m glad to report it was a success. I left with a dozen phone numbers, some from girls who even insisted I take it without my asking. I’m kind of tempted to challenge Brooke and see which one of us can get the most numbers in an evening. Am I becoming a ladies’ man? I guess so. There’s just one down side to the whole thing: doing Nudges repeatedly gave me a pretty nasty headache by the end of the evening. But hey, I shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, right? –Jaycee

Not Acceptable Error

Notice to all members: our hosting service (and probably some others) have been under brute force attacks from malicious forces (probably faeries–always blame faeries). Here’s what Arvixe’s page had to say: “Due to a recent large scale WordPress wp-login.php brute force attack coming from an extremely large amount of IP addresses with no geographical or specific range or signature, we’ve been forced to take immediate action to attempt to alleviate some of the load being generated by this. Arvixe as well as any other hosting provider providing PHP and WordPress hosting is being impacted by this. (…) “What we are doing: “Two days ago, in an attempt to provide immediate relief, we sent out Linux server changes which throttled refreshes and login attempts to all wp-login pages. This method proved to be effective for about a 24 hour period. As the attack worsened, it started becoming apparent that each IP making the request was no longer making more then 1-2 attempts every couple minutes, masking the “attack” as typical traffic but the issue then became that such a large assortment of IP’s are being used. As such, using mod_security, about 15 minutes ago, we pushed out a rule to return “406 not acceptable” for any attempts to browse to a “wp-login.php” file. This change should prove to be temporary until we can roll customers being impacted by this into CloudFlare whch has been able to successful identify a signature and is scrubbing traffic as we speak.” So in short, there’s nothing I can do to fix this. They don’t have an ETA, but they’re on top of it. Service will be restored as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience and understanding. –Jaycee

Member News: More PortalComic

For you members out there, please be advised that the last PortalComic 4-panel strip is now available in the members area. This isn’t bad news, quite the contrary. I’ve worked out an arrangement for the fine folks at PortalComic to do full-page (long form) comics from now on, and we’ve got a great story coming up. It will feature the further adventures of our favorite faerie whisperer as she learns the consequences of having a faerie companion. I’ll announce the first page here as soon as it’s done and ready. –Jaycee

The Mysterious Faerie

With Attitude now back, you’d think my life would be completely chaotic and all, but she’s been surprisingly subdued. In fact, most of the time, I don’t see her in the apartment. It’s like I’m the least of her worries. I’ve tried several times asking her about where she was during the last year, but she didn’t say much. I only know she went to some kind of faerie court to find out more about who was that unknown faerie that was messing with Morgan. With what I learned recently (about this Old Crow fellow), combined with what I’ve discovered about faeries in general, I think I’ve got a scenario that could possibly explain everything that happened. In a nutshell: Old Crow has a faerie friend, similar to the way Minx and I are friends. Whereas I think I’ve got a handle on my own dark impulses (and I’ll admit I’ve worked with Minx to do some mischief in the past), I suspect Old Crow is a pretty sad fellow who just loves to humiliate women. Faeries, by and large, don’t mess with each other’s humans, but perhaps this one was talked into it by Old Crow. This has gotten me thinking, though… Saving Minx from Cleopatra was an accident and she rewarded me by sharing her true name with me. Yay Jaycee and all that. But let’s put this in the context of human nature for a second. What if someone decided to do it deliberately? How many faeries are there in the world and how many can one “befriend” in total? This is a pretty sobering thought. –Jaycee

[$] Brooke — Missing Bodies

MEMBERS-ONLY ENTRY Brooke is not having a good time. After his transformation back to a guy last week, he had no choice but to tell Meghan what happened to him. She was a little freaked out, but they’re working it out. Attitude is pretty happy with herself over this one. I’ve tried to talk some sense into her, but she won’t budge. Since I’m friends with Minx, she doesn’t really try to curse me anymore, but she can still affect my friends, so I have to tread carefully. Plus, Minx explained to me that being a faerie friend doesn’t confer IMMUNITY to faerie magic, just better resistance to it. I’m not sure I want to find out what that means. But back to Brooke. The thing that REALLY puzzles me, right now, is this: after the Mexican holiday, s/he and Mandy had swapped bodies. So the Brooke I was seeing was actually Mandy’s body. Mandy herself was inside Brooke’s female body. Now that Brooke is (mostly) back in his male body, what does that mean for Mandy herself? I’ve tried to ask Attitude, but she just shrugged and flew away. Guess there’s no real way to find out, with Mandy out of the picture. –Jaycee

(Coming Soon)