
I’ve been working in Montreal for a week. Maybe it’s time I tell you about more than strippers and instead share a little bit about what I do and who I’m working with. First, there’s my boss, Chris. Large guy, a bit loud and blunt, black hair, dark skin, and big fists, which he uses to punctuate every statement he makes. I haven’t asked, but I’m guessing he’s in his late thirties, early forties. Not much of a dresser: jeans, plaid shirt, no jewelry except a wedding ring. Then there are my employees: Anton, Samuel, Chantal, Robin and Elise. Anton and Samuel are roommates. They’re really good at their job, from what I can tell. They’ve been with the company for several years and they’re very respected. I suspect Anton applied for the position I occupy, but didn’t get it. No apparent hostility (yet?). Chantal is also a senior copy editor. She was there before Anton and Sam, but she’s not particularly ambitious. From what I get, she’s a single mother of two boys and more focused on her kids than on getting ahead. She does very good work, but seems to have a tendency to idle if no work is handed to her. Not sure how to manage that—I’ve never really managed people before. (Suggestions, anyone?) Robin was hired about a year ago. She’s a science editor, so in addition to being a good writer, she’s pretty versed in all sorts of scientific domains. In her spare time (lunch and breaks), I often catch her listening to scientific podcasts or reading Scientific American (among other things). She’s very sharp, thin as a rail, and has deep set eyes that give her a hawk-like expression. Most of the time, she wears her hair in a bun, which makes her look even more uptight. She’s often the smartest person in the room, and not just about science. She’s quick to challenge authority if something is unfair or doesn’t make sense. Oh, and just to make my life more interesting, she has zero attraction for me. And hey, you’re going to be proud of me: no nudging! I don’t want to mess with work! Finally, there’s Elise. She’s not quite a copy editor, more of an intern that does everything the others don’t want to do. The dirty work. She’s a sweetheart, but I’m afraid she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. She’s been in Montreal for only 6 months and this is her 3rd month at the company. She’s cheerful, brings coffee and donuts for her colleagues, and she tries really hard to make everybody happy, but her work is a bit below average. This frustrates the others a bit (Robin in particular, who sometimes lets her biting wit get the better of her), but at the end of the day, I think they still like her. Maybe she’s a bit of a mascot? (Oh, and I should probably mention she has a pair of outstanding boobs that seem to defy gravity. The poor girl is clearly a virgin and seems to have no clue about how her body affects males around her.) I’m so glad I can’t be affected by faerie curses anymore. This is going to be a fresh new start for me! I’ll let you know how things develop on that front… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”


I meant to type this up last night, but things derailed a little bit… Yesterday morning, I called back Martine to set up—well, I’m not sure I can quite call it a date, more like a sex appointment. We both knew what would happen if I called her and the short conversation somewhat confirmed it: we’ve got the hots for each other. She was direct and to the point: let’s meet at my place and “see what happens.” When she showed up, I knew she meant business. That form-fitting red minidress she was wearing left little to the imagination. No bra and, as far as I could tell, no underwear. She wasted no time and gave me a kiss. Damn, I thought, Montreal girls are FAST! Then she mentioned she was hungry—she’d barely had time to finish work, change, and run over to my place. She was hoping we’d get dinner before “what comes next.” I was pretty hungry too (and not just for food), so I agreed. She suggested a place in Old Montreal, a restaurant called Stash Cafe, which sounded fine to me. I figured a cafe would be fast and not too expensive. Downstairs, we grabbed a taxi (it wasn’t walking distance from my place), which set me back around $20. The Stash Cafe, it turns out, is not cheap, especially when your date likes vodka. They’ll gladly suggest you try their vodka sampler, and have more vodka of the type you like best. Then there are the appetizers, entrees, desserts, specialized coffees, etc. All through dinner, though, my focus was on something else—her incredible, absolutely stunning eyes (no, perverts, I mean her real eyes!). She had a way of looking at me that made me feel like the most important (and handsome, and smart, and capable) guy in the world. She asked me tons of questions, laughed at my jokes, and showed genuine interest in everything I did and thought. And at this point, I know what many of you are thinking: “Jaycee,” you say, “she’s working you. This is what she does for a living. She’s just after your money and this is a test to see if she can hook you. Don’t trust her, she’s a pro.” And most of the time, you’d be right. But please bear in mind a few things. First, I’m friends with Brooke, which means I’ve learned a few things about “hired guns” trickery (hired guns is a term Brooke uses to describe girls who make a career exploiting their looks and how they affect men). Second, I’ve hung out with strippers in the past (Mandy and Roseanne, to name the obvious ones). I know the tricks and I’m not easily played. So no, there was more at work there than Martine just working me. Now, I know she WAS working me, but that’s not what was working. I think the fact I couldn’t read her was connected to this strange attraction we felt for each other. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought this was some kind of faerie trick, but by now I’m pretty much immune to faerie curses, so I knew that wasn’t it. But I’m getting ahead of the story. Back to dinner, we wrapped things up after a bit, which set me back almost $200. That girl sure likes her high-rolling lifestyle, I thought. But it didn’t matter, we were headed back to my place and then I was going to get my money’s worth. On the ride back, we were both struggling to keep our hands off each other. The climb up the staircase was another struggle, with me following her and mock-pulling the hem of her minidress to see what she WASN’T wearing. When we got to my apartment door, I couldn’t take it and pushed her against it, her boobs squashed against the wood. She gasped and parted her legs, pushing her butt against me. I lifted her minidress, unbuckled my belt, and went for it. We didn’t care that we were doing it in the corridor! But I had a quick moment of clarity and while rhythmically ramming in and out of her, I unlocked the door and we both fell inside. I closed the door with my foot and took her like a dog. Seriously, we were like animals in heat and acted out my every fantasy. It seemed everything I wanted to do, she wanted to do as well. And even more surprising, I had the stamina to match hers. We went at it for nearly an hour before we collapsed with exhaustion. She left in the middle of the night. I gave her enough taxi money to get her back to her place, which is off the island of Montreal (in a place called Laval, just north of the river). Then I had a chat with my Minx to ask her if she knew what had happened. Clearly there was something supernatural at work, but she shrugged her tiny shoulders and said she knew nothing about that. I should ask Attitude, she said, she would know. So I did, and got some answers (but as always, with Attitude, I didn’t get the whole story). It appears that Martine is what faeries call a thrall. They’re pretty rare, apparently, and they are highly suggestible. You know how AB blood types are called universal receivers? Thralls are like that, but for mind magic. And my Nudge ability apparently qualifies as mind magic. Except that instead of being this tiny little archaeologist hammer, it’s a huge sledgehammer. That’s what happened, I realized! Every little thing I wanted her to feel, she felt! And not just a little bit, a LOT! Thralls naturally amplify suggestions to ridiculous proportions. Attitude didn’t want to say more, but said what would come next would be a LOT of fun. Is it just me, or is that a bit worrisome? But when Attitude doesn’t want to talk, there’s not much I can do, so we’ll just have to wait and see. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Once Upon a Tinkerbell

It had to happen… I’m not sure how many of you watch the show Once Upon a Time, but I’ve been known to watch an episode or two. Just this morning, they released the picture of Tinkerbell, who’s going to be featured on the show this coming season. I thought I’d share it with you. image Tinkerbell is hot! Also, in other news: Attitude almost died laughing. (I should be so lucky.) –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Montreal Girl

Wow. Helluva weekend, and it’s not over yet! As you probably already know (from reading my last post), I’m now in Montreal. I moved as much of my stuff here as I could–anything that could fit in my rented minivan. The rest, I’ve either sold, given to friends, or handed out to charity organizations. (Sadly, I’m still “stuck” with two faeries.) Because of customs issues, I had to sell my tarantula, much to the delight of my two diminutive companions. Even Attitude (yes, ATTITUDE) made a little happy dance (though in her case, it was kinda sexy…) I’ve moved to an area of Montreal called Verdun, near a nice little waterway called Lachine Canal. It’s very pretty. My new company is paying for 1 month of rent there while I find myself something better (and cheaper!). I arrived yesterday, after a 2-day drive, and unpacked stuff most of the day. Same thing today. Tonight, though, I decided it was time to take a bit of time off and went downtown. I took the subway (it’s called a “metro,” here–must be a French thing) to McGill, apparently a pretty central station, and headed out on the main street, Ste. Catherine. Lots of places for food. I went for something familiar: Five Guys. It’s just a hop away from a place someone told me about, a strip joint called “Super Sexe” (you can guess what that means). So after a quick meal, I headed over to the club and got myself a table. Wow… The girls here are super friendly. Or at least, they act friendly. Thanks to my faerie sight, I could easily “filter out” those that were just looking for clients. Eventually, one named Kathy bounced over (well, some PARTS of her were bouncing, anyway) and started chatting me up in heavily accented English. You have to understand, I’m kind of jaded when it comes to women. The last year has been… maybe calling a revelation is too strong a word, but just one notch below. I “get” it, now. Once you stop putting pressure on yourself, once you stop trying to please girls, they often fall over themselves trying to please you instead. I don’t know if I can explain it, and I apologize to female readers if this sounds callous, but I guess they’re just attracted to guys who aren’t impressed by them (probably because it comes across as self-confidence). But I digress. Back to Kathy… The moment she sat next to me, I felt *something*, like a combo of butterflies in my stomach and the nervous jitters you get before you speak in public. Oddly, I couldn’t quite read her. That’s not unusual, there are some women I just can’t read (Minx says it’s normal). But with her, I got a little nervous. She had amazing eyes and a shy smile that suggested she was a little uncomfortable showing so much skin (and what lovely skin she has!). We talked for a bit and she suggested we retreat to a more private cabin. I said sure, what could it hurt, right? Okay, those of you who are familiar with Montreal will make fun of me. Those of you who don’t, you should know that lap dances here allow pretty much full contact (crotch is off-limits and you can’t use your mouth). Pretty much anything goes. And this girl was H*A*W*T, I swear! At $15 a dance, you can’t stay there forever, but for the time I was there, it was fantastic. I promise you, my imagination was going wild. The problem was, because I couldn’t read her, I had no clear idea if she was just acting or really having a good time. The signs were there, though: hot breath near my ear, rubbing her boobs all over my chest, caressing my hair, etc. Damn… And as the songs went on, she turned up the heat. I decided it had to be an act–girls like this were well trained in making guys like me feel like super studs! But as the fifth or sixth song started, she started grinding her crotch against my sofa’s arm, letting out little gasps. She reached inside her panties and… yes, rubbed herself right in front of me. Her hand was hidden from view, but what she was doing was pretty obvious. She rose to a quick climax, which I thought was incredibly hot. The song was over, but she didn’t care and, staring at my crotch (which strained against my jeans), she started going at it again. Two orgasms (and another song) later, she collapsed against me and thanked me for watching her. At least I think that’s what she said. I recognized the words “merci” et “regarder.” That. Was. HAWT! I thanked her, paid and tipped her, and got ready to head out. Just as I meant to exit the privacy of our booth, she grabbed me by the neck and kissed me the way only French girls know how. There was some rubbing of her body against mine, too, in a way that said clearly what she wanted. She slipped her hand in my pocket and walked away, waving with a coy smile. I checked what she left in my pocket. It was a piece of paper that read: Martine, 514-555-7882. SCORE! –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Big Move: Montreal

Folks, I’m moving out. It’s been long in the coming, but I’m relocating to Montreal, Canada, in a few days, where I’ll be working as Lead Editor for a publishing house. And it’s not just any job either: I’ll be managing a handful of more junior editors. I’ve met them (two guys, three girls) and they’re a cool bunch. It’s exciting and scary at the same time. I’m going to be leaving behind a lot of good friends, but also a lot of weirdness. Attitude and Minx are coming along,  but that’s about it. Brooke promised he’d visit. (Did I mention he’s back as a “full” man? Apparently, that was one curse that didn’t last…) So please accept my apologies if I’m silent for a few days (not that you’re not used to this by now), while I pack my things and make my way to the Cold White North. Anyone has been to Montreal before? Suggestions on DO’s and DON’T’s? –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Introducing… Bloomin’ Studio!

If you’ve read my last post, you know that in a few weeks, Bloomin’ Faeries! is going back to a weekly publishing schedule. You also know I mentioned a members-only series drawn by Wondollar, with no less than 2 strips a month. It’s finally time to start talking a bit more about what that strip is going to be about. Wondollar and I exchanged about it a bit and came up with a concept we’re very excited about. The working title is Bloomin’ Studio! and it features the people who work behind the scenes to bring you the Bloomin’ Faeries! strip. Imagine for a moment that the characters in the strip are played by (or inspired by) real-life characters; this is what Bloomin’ Studio! will talk about. (And yes, yours truly is one of the characters in that strip, but not the main character.) This story will start as the studio interviews a new actress, Scarlet, for the role of Princess Heather (the previous actress has resigned—go figure!). And yes, there will be faeries in that world as well. This will start September 1. Get ready… 🙂 –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Strip Schedule

Hi everyone, I’ve been doing Bloomin’ Faeries! for 3+ years now. It’s been (and remains) an amazing ride. I’m having tons of fun working with Wondollar and watching how he makes the strips come to life. Not only is he a fantastic partner to work with, he produces high quality art that’s worth every penny. But having said all this, I must also look at the facts and ensure the financials make sense. The sad news, however, is that every single month for the last 3 years, the strip has been in the red. At the end of last year, I made the decision to double the number of strips a week in an attempt to increase readership and make some of the money back through advertisement. That, unfortunately, has not proven successful. The reality is that the costs of producing Bloomin’ Faeries! are 70% covered by membership fees; the rest (30%) is from advertisement, marginal sales from the store, and my own personal funds. It’s really thanks to the generosity of the paying members that this site keeps on running. Whatever solution I bring to the problem needs to respect their ongoing support (that means I want to give them more than ever before). So after several months of thinking it over, I’m making the call. Starting in September, we’re returning to a weekly schedule (every Monday, as before). We’ll focus mainly on the (mis)adventures of Heather and some of the characters around her. Wondollar will continue to illustrate those strips at the same level of quality you’re used to. In ADDITION, he will be creating 2+ strips every month as part of a members-only series (I’ll share details on this during the month of August). For the members, this will stack up with the content that I’ve been consistently adding to the site every month. This is my way of saying “thank you” for their support over the years. But it’s not all bad news for the non-members. While I’m going to put more strips in the member area, I’m going to return the blog to the general public (yes, even the old entries that were marked members only). So while you won’t get a new strip on Thursday, there’ll be a blog entry waiting for you if you decide to pay us a visit. 🙂 I’m sure this is very disappointing to many of you out there. I share your sentiment. This is, however, only a minor setback. I will put renewed efforts in better managing the site’s finances in the coming months so that I can some day return to a twice-a-week schedule. In the meantime, however, I thank you all for your continued support and understanding. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Members Area Samples

Hi all, I apologize for the few updates lately. It’s been a busy summer and I’ve just returned from a short vacation in Las Vegas (I’d tell you about it, but you know what they say about what happens in Vegas, right?). 😉 As a form of apology, I’m giving you all here a small sampler of things that I normally only put in the Members Area. These are the script, roughs, and video for strip #158. It will give you a glimpse into how Wondollar and I work, from script to final version. Hope you enjoy… First, we start with the script. It looks something like this: BF0158 Script Shortly after, Wondollar sends me something that looks like this: BF0158_Heather_0hj38ryhlkg Want to see him at work? Here’s a video… BF0158 Video Finally, after some cleaning up and coloring, the strip ends up looking like this: 2013-05-02-BF0158_Heather That’s it! I hope you enjoyed it! –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Mallory: Comedy Club Night

Sometimes, when you live with faeries, you have to be careful what you wish for… Sunday night, I got together with Mallory to go to a comedy club. I know this girl who works there and was able to get tickets to a VIP table. Mallory looked pretty hot, that night. She’d tied her hair in a French braid and was wearing a sexy black summer dress that didn’t cover much of her thighs. The whole outfit was completed with black pumps that gave her a lot more class than her normal clothes would suggest. To be honest, the old me would have been pretty intimidated, being with a girl like this. But knowing that she already liked me kind of gave me confidence I didn’t have before. The show started and we laughed a lot. It turns out having a VIP table isn’t entirely a good thing. It means you’re in full view of the comedians, so they can make fun of you. All part of the price of admission, I guess. So the warm-up guy took a few pot shots at me, asking if I’d hired “her” (referring to Mallory) or if she was my sister. I laughed, har har, so very funny. I replied out loud, “No, it’s YOUR sister!” Double har har. The audience laughed. The comedian rolled with it. “I’m Corsican, buddy. Are you sure you like my sister?” When I hesitated, he faked pulling out a knife and waved it in my direction. “What? WHAT?!? You don’t like my sister?!?” More laughter. The show went on. I’ll be honest, I was a bit more interested by Mallory’s long white legs than by the show and she eventually noticed. She winked at me and patted my thigh. Then she left her hand there, as if by accident. It wasn’t an accident, though. I could tell she was heating up a little. Finally, I thought. When the show stopped for the intermission, her hand was still in the same place. Heck, was I imagining this or had she kind of crept closer to my crotch? “Hey, Mal,” I started. “Careful where you put those fingers, I normally charge for this, you know?” “Your loss,” she said, laughing. Even I could tell it was the practiced laugh and smile of a player. She took her hand off my thigh and caressed the side of my face. She wasn’t buying my banter, that much was obvious, but it wasn’t turning her off. In fact, in an odd case of cognitive dissonance, it looked like she was getting hotter. Were those indentations I noticed on the front of her dress, where her nipples should be? I didn’t dare break eye contact to check, but I was pretty sure I was right. I put my hand over hers, trapping it against my cheek. “Look, I gotta settle something.” I took a deep breath. “I’m kind of getting mixed signals, here…” She blushed a little. This wasn’t practiced, this was real. She was getting very excited. About me. It was kind of flattering, too. “Mixed signals, eh? You’re a fine one to talk…” Her flush deepened and she fanned herself with the drinks menu on our table. “You’re all about mixed signals. Obviously Brooke taught you well.” I mulled that over for a second, slightly confused. I looked at her. There were no mixed signals now, that was for sure. I’d been using my faerie sight long enough to know when a girl was good and ready, and Mallory was as ready as they came. Then I had an epiphany. “You think I’m playing you? That’s why you’re stalling? You think I’m a pick-up artist?” She nodded. “Obviously. If Brooke called me in to stall you when you were hunting for phone numbers, that’s because you must be pretty good. He’s never called me for help before. My jaw dropped. I had my first epiphany of the night (I’ll get to the second one in a moment). I’ve become a player. And if Mallory’s testimony is any indication, a pretty good one at that. Truth is, I don’t believe I am, but with the help of my faerie sight, I can see how someone would think that. “Mal, you couldn’t be more wrong. I’m just the reverse. Not even close to being a player, not one bit.” She leaned in closer. There was molten fire in her eyes. And from the look of things, her eyes weren’t the only parts of her that were melting. She parted her lips and leaned further in to kiss me. Suddenly, everything was hot and vibrant. I lingered into the kiss for a long moment, until a tiny voice chirped into my ear. “There,” Minx said. “She’s all good and ready for you. You can thank me later.” The moment was shattered like a broken mirror. Damn that faerie!!! My eyes flew open and I pushed Mallory back a little. That took her by surprise. “What’s wrong?” I tried to recover quickly, looking for an explanation that would make sense. This must have been my lucky day because a comedian just stepped onto the stage at that very moment. “Show’s restarting,” I said. “Let’s not draw attention to ourselves.” And so the show went on while I sat next to a very, very hot girl who spent the next hour squirming onto her seat. Damn those faeries! –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Bloomin’ Faeries! eBooks

I’ve been working on this for a while, but my first attempt kind of aborted due to time constraints (and possibly a story where I’d literally write myself in a corner, since it was about myself). So I’m back with another plan, this time, a series of eBooks titled “The Torment of Nicole Swan.” I’m committed to producing them once a month and releasing them through Smashwords. This means they’ll be gradually available through all major eBook networks. I’m including the cover of the first one so you get an idea of what it’s about. You can click on the cover below to check it out on Smashwords and sample it for yourself. MEMBERS NOTE: If you’re already a member of this site, please login and return to this post to get your free coupon. 0) { ?> MEMBERS NOTE: If you’re already a member of this site, you don’t need to buy it, we’ve got a coupon for you so you can download it FREE: NE62M. BF01-Nicole-Cover-small –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)