Sexy Vignette #3

“I don’t know what happened to her, man. One minute, I was talking about my day and she looked bored like hell. Then her legs flew open and she looked at me like a starved woman. The weird thing is, she insisted I keep talking about work, like it was the hottest dirty talk ever!” 4501592-almost-sha-rizel

Martin (III)

Last night, Martin asked me permission to go back to the strip club, pick up Evelyn (all on his own, no help) and bring her back home. I’m still not very comfortable with Martine being a guy, but she’s been such a good sport about it that I felt I should indulge her. I went to bed early, having nothing better to do. I figured I’d get up early, hit the gym and get some early exercise. My sleep was interrupted in the middle of the night by Martin returning with Evelyn. I was still half asleep when they fumbled their way into the bedroom, apparently groping and kissing each other. I could kind of see them in the darkness and I have to admit, that Evelyn chick looks pretty hot when she’s all dressed up—which she was. Martin pushed her to sit on the bed, lips still locked with hers. She leaned back, her hand touching my leg. Surprised, she let out a little squeal and broke the kiss. “Hey! There’s a guy here,” she told Martin, looking at me. “Yup,” Martin said as if this was completely normal. “That’s Jaycee. We’re together.” “No way!” Evelyn sounded excited. “You two are gay–” “Not exactly,” I interrupted, raising a hand.” Evelyn continued, ignoring me. “–‘cuz I’ve always DREAMED about doing it with two gays.” “Yup,” Martin said, staring straight into my eyes. “We’re SO gay!” I’ll leave you with the mental image of what happened next… To Evelyn’s credit, she was very enthusiastic about realizing her fantasy. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Dirty Lil’ Spells

Just saw a thread of comments that dove pretty deep into Pathfinder and d20 stuff. Any players out there have some dirty/naughty/sexy spells they know of and would like to share the stats with the rest of us? I thought it’d be kinda fun to have a semi-official Bloomin’ Faeries! Spellbook. Feel free to create some new ones too, if you want. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Sexy Vignette #2

“Attitude looked on, satisfied with her handiwork. The Sticky Sex Chair curse was one of her favorites. The moment Laurel sat on it, she was stuck there. Then, that feeling of penetration started. It was thick, and hard, and filled her perfectly. And when, finally, the pumping motion began inside her, she lost all notion of time and place…”

Facebook Friends?

Hey all, After 4 years, I’m finally getting into the social media side of things. I’ve had a facebook page for a LONG time, but wasn’t using it much. I seem to have a bit more energy these days and I’m finding that being on social media is a bit more rewarding than it used to be. And for the last few days, I’ve posted a few “cursed chicks of the day” just for fun. That’s a photo of a cute chick, and a 2- to 3-line narrative explaining what happened to her. Facebook-Badge     –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)