Bloomin’ Faeries! Graphic Novel?

Hi, I tried making a poll for this yesterday, but it kind of bombed–I think the plugin I was using just killed itself. Ah well… Must be faerie mischief, as usual… The idea of the poll was this: I’m curious to see if there would be an interest in a high-production value hardcover graphic novel (48 pages, most likely) centered around the world of Bloomin’ Faeries! I’d be sure to get a top artist (Wondollar, if he’s available). Since the poll system is dead, could you instead leave a comment below to indicate your interest. (If you’re not interested, please don’t leave a comment.) ADDENDUM #1: I’m thinking of the following rewards:
  1. $5 = Thanks! Name listed in the back of the book.
  2. $20 = EARLY BIRD! Digital copy (PDF) of the book. (MAX 100)
  3. $30 = Digital copy (PDF) of the book.
  4. $45= EARLY BIRD! Hardcopy of the book. (MAX 50)
  5. $55 = Hardcopy of the book (MAX 125)
  6. $75 = Signed hardcopy of the book. (MAX 25)
  7. $100 = Cameo. Your face appears on one of the background characters in the book (MAX 10)
  8. $250 = Participant. You are a secondary character in the book (w/dialogue) (MAX 5)
  9. $500 = Star. You are a major character in the book (hero/victim) (MAX 2)
What do you guys think? Any ideas for other types of rewards? Thanks, –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Members: Spider-Woman Parody #1

I thought it’d be funny to commission artists to do some of of the characters Bloomin’ Faeries! in the controversial “Spider-Woman” pose. This variant, done by famous Italian artist Milo Manara, shows Spider-Woman in a pose that has everybody in an uproar. (Me, I really like it.) First up: Li Fang Fei. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” Continue reading “Members: Spider-Woman Parody #1”