Members: Spider-Woman Parody #3

Yet another tribute to Manara’s controversial rendition of Spider-Woman. Baby assumes the position, not quite understanding what the point is or even why it could be considered a provocative pose. (It’s not like anyone’s going to try anything funny back there without her consent, right?) –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” Continue reading “Members: Spider-Woman Parody #3”

Members: Heather’s Naughty Hands (1)

I always regretted the format of the strip didn’t allow me to have more fun with Heather’s magic hands, back in the early days of the strips. I thought it was a fun concept that I never got to completely milk. I’m sure I’ll revisit it again in the future, but for now, here’s the first part of a sequence, drawn by the talented mangapym. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” Continue reading “Members: Heather’s Naughty Hands (1)”

Book 2 (Nicole Swan) 50% Off!

Thank you all for the overwhelming response in downloading Book 1 for free last week (and for continuing to do so). I figured I’d keep the interest going by offering Book 2 at 50% off. You just need to visit Smashwords and enter the code QU99F in the coupon field. (This offer ends on September 22.) Click on the cover image below to get directly to the book page. NOTE 1: If you want to read the first one (still for free), check out the PREVIOUS POST to get the free coupon. NOTE 2: If you want more books for free, you just need to do reviews and contact me. DETAILS HERE. c4d5e752ec104d0df398bd93a264a961d841cdff And try to read with both hands, will ya? 😉 –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”