Book 2 (Nicole Swan) 50% Off!

Thank you all for the overwhelming response in downloading Book 1 for free last week (and for continuing to do so). I figured I’d keep the interest going by offering Book 2 at 50% off. You just need to visit Smashwords and enter the code QU99F in the coupon field. (This offer ends on September 22.) Click on the cover image below to get directly to the book page. NOTE 1: If you want to read the first one (still for free), check out the PREVIOUS POST to get the free coupon. NOTE 2: If you want more books for free, you just need to do reviews and contact me. DETAILS HERE. c4d5e752ec104d0df398bd93a264a961d841cdff And try to read with both hands, will ya? 😉 –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

More Free e-Books?

If you’ve read Book 1 of the Torment of Nicole Swan series and would like the next one(s), but don’t have the money or just don’t want to pay for it, I’ll cut you a deal: to the first TEN people who submit a reader review on Smashwords, I’ll give a coupon to get the next book for free. To the first ten who write a reader review for that book (still on Smashwords), I’ll give a coupon to get the next book for free, and so forth. The reviews don’t need to be good, they just need to be honest (and more than a five-word sentence). So if you’re interested in getting free ebook coupon, just email me (jayceeknight [AT] bloomingfaeries [DOT] com) and tell me which review you’ve written. I’ll promptly (within 24 hours) send you your book coupon. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

FREE: His Sexy Remote Control

Hi all, Because I’ve been so slow in updating the “Torment of Nicole Swan” series, I decided to celebrate its return (at last!) by having a little house cleaning party. There are thousands of ebooks left in the storage area and I’m giving them all away for FREE! That’s right! You want this book? You go get it, it’s FREE! Just use coupon code YY98N and you won’t be charged a dime! ADDENDUM: even if you don’t plan on reading it, please go ahead and download it. It will help raise the book in the most downloaded section. 🙂 c16bed6ca5f94c947eac23ec9915ae11fa07e3d5 Have fun reading it! –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Members: Spider-Woman Parody #2

I thought it’d be funny to commission artists to do some of of the characters Bloomin’ Faeries! in the controversial “Spider-Woman” pose. This variant, done by famous Italian artist Milo Manara, shows Spider-Woman in a pose that has everybody in an uproar. (Me, I really like it.) This time: Lara. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” Continue reading “Members: Spider-Woman Parody #2”

Fabrikinesis (III)

This morning, I was going for brunch with Martine. (Y’all know what brunch means, right?) Since the weather was nice, Martine and I decided to bike our way downtown. On the way there, at a major intersection, all four lights are down and there’s a cop in the middle, waving at cars and managing traffic. I’m not sure what her deal was, but she was in a seemingly very cranky mood and yelled at Martine for stopping a little bit past the line on the ground. I tried to protest, but she immediately pulled out a small can of what I think was pepper spray, waving it in front of my eyes. “BACK OFF, ASSHOLE!” she shouted. So back off I did. I’ll be honest, I generally like cops and appreciate the hard work they do for us. But this woman wasn’t that kind of cop. She was aggressive and on some kind of ego trip. So I checked her out and saw that–imagine that!–she was getting off on using her authority. Not talking major arousal, here, just… a small tingle. But a tingle is all I needed. I gave her a nudge and imagined the thrill that coursed down her spine and settled between her legs. She squirmed a little. I gently elbowed Martin, mouthing “check this out” silently at her, my eyes darting between her and the angry female cop. I could see the officer was trying to shift her weight around, perhaps because the seam of her pants was giving her thrills (what do I know, I’m not a mind reader!). Then I focused on her panties and tried to shape them into a thick cylinder that would push gently in and out of her sex. It didn’t take long for the sexual teasing to affect her. Her hips swayed and occasionally jerked forward, as if pushing back against some invisible lover. She obviously struggled to keep her composure, continuing to motion for cars to move and others to stop. And then it was our time to cross, so we did just that. Unfortunately, driving a bicycle and controlling a sexy cop’s underwear are mutually exclusive activities, so I couldn’t keep it up. But maybe I’ll go back there later and see if I can torture her some more. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)