Respecting Women

I’m going to step out of character for a moment. Cosplayer Yaya Han has a few words for men and women (READ HERE). I read her public message this morning and felt I had to react to her message. Considering the kind of comic I publish (and, in particular, the latest strip, #250), I couldn’t help but make a stand. In panel 3, our favorite princess gets groped while working (and wearing a very sexy outfit). I have great respect for my audience and I’m confident it’s made of smart and respectful males (and, perhaps, a few female who got lost on the internet and ended up here). I’m confident all but a tiny minority would never go around groping a woman in the street who’s just minding her business. But to that minority, I say “please stop it.” This woman is someone’s sister, or mother, or daughter. She’s not your sexual fantasy. I’ll admit I’m often torn about this strip, wondering if I’m helping perpetuate gender discrimination and abuse. The strip often makes light of situations which, in real life, would be obscene, immoral, and vile. At the end of the day, though, I come back to the same conclusions: It’s a fantasy. It is perfectly okay to fantasize. There are NO wrong fantasies. Your mind is the safest place in the world and you should feel free, in there, to experiment with ANYTHING that turns you on. Anything. NO LIMITS. I may not share your fantasies, but you have a right to them, just as I do mine. Having fantasies and exploring them IN THE PRIVACY OF YOUR MIND is considered healthy by most mental health specialists. You’re just expected to keep them in your head and avoid socially deviant behavior (or be ready for the consequences). You’re responsible for your actions. I couldn’t put it more simply. You decide to enact a fantasy with an unwilling participant? Not only are you doing something immoral, you risk getting caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Your personal health is also at risk. You may also get severely beat up by nearby males who realize this kind of behavior is inexcusable and decide to unleash some of their more violent fantasies on you. (Turnabout is fair play, right? Well no, it isn’t… But you get the point.) We are humans, not animals. Our real strength lies in our discipline, our ability to control our animal impulses. Let’s behave accordingly. And with this, I leave you with a sexy picture of Yaya Han to fantasize about: We now return you to your regularly scheduled fantasies. (Speaking of which, I think I now have one for Martine that involves a latex catsuit, an upcoming comic convention, and some uncontrollable public arousal…) –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Book 3 (Nicole Swan) 50% Off!

Book 9 will be coming out soon! Since Books 1 & 2 have already been offered (one free, the one at 50% off), I’m offering Book 3 at 50% off. You just need to visit Smashwords and enter the code ZN36N in the coupon field. (This offer ends on October 15). Click on the cover image below to get directly to the book page. NOTE: If you want more books for free, you just need to do reviews of those you already have and contact me. DETAILS HERE. c4d5e752ec104d0df398bd93a264a961d841cdff Thanks for your interest! –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Members: TWO New Character Pics

That’s what happens when I don’t post pictures in the Characters gallery for a while: I forget I already posted them! So the last picture I posted (Elena) was a duplicate. Feeling like a moron for the oversight, I decided to post two new pictures (PLEASE don’t tell me I already posted them!): one of Maid Marie, the other of Baby. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” Continue reading “Members: TWO New Character Pics”

Members: Elena’s Phantom Penetration

Haven’t posted a Cursed Combat Chick illustration in a while, thought it was about time. “Street Fighter Elena has become inexplicably aroused after getting hit by faerie magic. And in that state, thanks to the curse, any desire to be penetrated becomes a true feeling, even if no one’s there to give it to her. She freaks a little at first, out of shock, but moments later–well, let’s say she becomes VERY enthusiastic about the possibilities…” –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” [ADDENDUM: some members correctly mentioned I screwed up and had ALREADY uploaded this image in the gallery FIVE months ago–I guess I just never removed it from the “unpublished” folder on my computer. Well, to apologize, I’m going to immediately upload TWO pictures, one of Miss Marie (very sexy!) and one of Baby. That’ll teach me.] Continue reading “Members: Elena’s Phantom Penetration”

(Coming Soon)