Question to Members

Hi Members, I’m not sure how many of you are actually reading the Scripts & Roughs page. In the last several months, I’ve gotten into the habit of posting sketches & previews of the final art of a strip in the blog section, which I felt was more easily accessible than the page. You’ve all been silent, which is either a sign of great satisfaction or dissatisfaction. So here are a few questions that I’d like you to answer in the comments section, if you don’t mind.
  1. Do you generally go to the Scripts & Roughs page or do you prefer the blog posts?
  2. Do you read the scripts or just look at the sketches?
  3. Do you watch the videos of Wondollar at work?
All of these things take up time and if there’s no real interest in them, I’d rather invest that time in something else. Naturally, if this is something you all think is worth keeping, I’m not going to touch any of it–I just want to make sure you get your money’s worth out of these features. UPDATE 1: the feedback seems to go mostly in one direction: while some of you do go to the Scripts & Roughs page, you all pretty much find the blog posts to be more convenient (it’s RSS friendly). Almost none of you watch the videos, so we’ll probably stop publishing those. For the scripts, sketches and previews, I’ll be moving exclusively to a post-based method, which is pretty much what I was doing already anyway. The old page will remain there as an archive. UPDATE 2: I’ve been tinkering with how I could improve the presentation of the scripts in the new format. One of the challenges I have is that I do a LOT of updates using my iPad, so I had to find a way to manipulate the scripts (which are in a proprietary format) and convert them into images. Having finally found a way to do that, I’ve modified the sneak peeks for #254 and #255 to show what it would look like. Go check them out, I think you’ll find it to be a big improvement. Thanks, –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Quebec City ComicCon

Martine, Minx and I attended the Quebec City ComicCon this weekend and had the great opportunity to talk with (“the”) Neal Adams–a wonderful, entertaining and immensely talented legend. And while I spent WAY more money at his booth than I originally intended, that’s not what I want to talk to you about here. The con also featured local celebrity Marie-Claude Bourbonnais (MCB for short), dressed up in all sorts of sexy and revealing outfits such as this one: baa55d49838f0fd87cee76ef8a07df52 Dressed as Power Girl, she hosted an interesting conference on cosplay, which I attended, though I can’t quite remember what she talked about. I’ll admit to looking at her eyes a few times, but for the most part, I stared at her incredible body from the third row for most of the 45 minutes she spoke. Martine wasn’t with me during that particular conference, she had gone to change into her latex Catwoman costume. Probably just as well, considering how I was (internally) drooling all over MCB. I was pretty distracted from the get-go, so it’s probably why I didn’t notice Minx leaving my side. I think I’ve already mentioned how Minx and I are connected, right? And also how Martine can feel things that I imagine doing to her, or her just feel sensations I want her to feel? Well, I’m normally pretty careful, but while I was watching MCB in her Power Girl outfit, it was hard not to imagine Martine dressed up the same way. I later (last night) learned that Minx found Martine before she put on her costume and changed the outfit into a form-fitting PG outfit. Martine must have thought I’d played some prank on her and swapped her Catwoman costume for this one, and put it on. It also sounds like Minx was very attuned to my desires, and when I fantasized about MCB’s outfit wedging itself between her legs, that’s actually what happened to Martine. When I imagined the fabric gently rubbing her lil’ nub back and forth, that’s ALSO what happened to Martine. And when I imagined her nipples would pop erect, rock hard and super sensitive, that’s exactly what happened to Martine. Of course, NONE of this was happening to MCB, so I had no clue that was going on with Martine, but in hindsight, I suppose I should have been more careful. But seriously, guys, LOOK at her. It’s hard NOT to let your mind slip, right? –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)