Thumbs Up

Hi, If you’re very attentive, you may notice a little “thumbs up” icon has appeared below each post (and comic). This is a new little plugin I’ve added that let you say you’ve particularly enjoyed a post/comic. This is a great way (without having to write a lengthy comment) of letting me know what you like (and, by not voting, like less) so I have a sense of what you, the readers, enjoy most. Don’t be shy, click it! Go ahead, you know you want to. 🙂 –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

“Dear Jaycee…”

I’ve been thinking of a new irregular feature to publish in the blog (i.e. open to all). It’s called “Dear Jaycee…” I’m guessing I’m not the only one in the world dealing with faeries, or faerie-related matters, though I suspect I’m the most public one. (Maybe I’m just stupid this way.) Now that I’ve got my own faerie friend and am mostly immune to Attitude’s pranks, my thinking is that I could run an irregular advice column to address the needs of faerie victims from all over the world. Or maybe you’re just someone who wants to know more about the life habits of faeries. The article would be accompanied by a little bit of art to make it more fun and entertaining to read. If you think it’s a good idea (or a TERRIBLE one!), please leave some comments below, just so I have a sense of whether it’s worth it at all. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Bad Theme Update

Hey all, Sorry for the wonky look of the site, I incorrectly applied a theme updated and messed up the entire system. Since my graphic designer is on medical leave, it’s going to stay this way until he has time to get online and fix it. Apologies for the trauma this ugliness may cause to the more artistic readers in the audience. Here are some bewbs to help you get over it. UPDATE: Even when I don’t do ANYTHING, the theme keeps degrading! ARGH! So I’ve put the green velvet background back, just so there’s still some branded green on the page. 🙂 UPDATE #2: BY THE POWER OF BACKUPS, I HAVE THE BACKUP! (Read: all is restored) angie_vu_ha_by_enigma_fotos-d8i9e2w –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Member Feedback Request

Hi, Several weeks ago, I published an audiobook titled “Self-Satisfaction” as an experiment. I haven’t heard much feedback on it, and as I’m about to embark on the second one, I’m wondering if this was worth the effort or if it left everyone cold. Not fishing for compliments, here, just wondering if this is something members find valuable or if I should put the money elsewhere. Thanks for any/all comments. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)