In Memoriam: Lunaroki

A week ago, I received an email in the middle of the night from CJ “Hawke” DeCamp regarding the sudden passing of her boyfriend, Laurie “Lunaroki” Kellogg, a regular reader of Bloomin’ Faeries! He had relocated across the country 7 months ago to be with her, only to be struck down by a massive stroke Tuesday night. He was found unconscious Wednesday morning, and despite the best efforts of the medical staff of St. Lukes in Boise, he finally passed away on Wednesday night. Unbeknownst to most of you, Lunaroki and I had begun working on a series of ebooks over a year ago, but that had to be put on hiatus while he relocated to be with Hawke, the love of his life (he had shared this much with me). This series was going to be released in the members area of this site, but in memoriam of his life, I am releasing it here for free. If you appreciate his work at all, I would ask that you consider contributing his family’s GoFundMe campaign. Even though he worked two jobs, he had no medical insurance and there are thousands of dollars in fees to cover. I’m hoping you’ll consider his last work worthy of a small donation. Wouldn’t it be nice if erotic literature was able to help a grieving family in times of need? You can find the book HERE. You can make donations HERE. Anything will help. Even a single dollar. Please. You can reach “Hawke” and send her your words of comfort HERE. Thanks to anyone and everyone who contributes to this campaign, I’m sure Hawke and Laurie’s family will really appreciate it. –Jaycee “We’re doing it.” UPDATE: ever since I posted this, there have been over $400 in donations to the GoFundMe campaign. I don’t know if this is all from Bloomin’ Faeries! readers, but I want to express my heartfelt thanks to those of you who did send some money. I’m sure every tiny bit helps and I’m immensely grateful for your generosity.

Members: Sister Agnes Meltdown

While Heather is off gallivanting in Sister Agnes’s body, poor Sister Agnes herself is “stuck” inside Heather’s body. This means, of course, that every time the church bell rings, every “DONG” causes irrepressible orgasms that wrack her body with bliss. I figured you’d want to witness that, so here’s the picture. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” Continue reading “Members: Sister Agnes Meltdown”

A Little Shout Out

I don’t make it a habit of advertising other strips out there, but this one amuses me and I thought some of you might get a kick out of it. Ultrafem’s Alice is a quick-and-dirty (VERY dirty) daily sketch-strip featuring the fantasies of a horny cosplayer (Alice) who falls asleep and dreams of an adult version of Wonderland. You might want to check it out for yourself: Alice_001 –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)