Blog: Blogging Again

I haven’t really been in the mood to blog here in a long time. To be frank, there really wasn’t much to talk or blog about. My relationship with Martine was great, and thanks to Minx’s “protection” (after she gave me her true faerie name), Attitude couldn’t do much to me. Then, just a few weeks ago, Josephine happened. (Let’s just call her “Jo” for short.) Jo is the new Lead Tech Editor at my company. (In case I haven’t updated you all on this, I’m Lead Creative Editor, so we’re on the same level in the hierarchy.) Her position is new; we didn’t use to do tech writing, but the Big Man decided it was time to branch out and expand our services a little. So they opened the position and she got it. (Several people applied internally, but apparently none were as good as she is. Obviously, that’s making some people rather unhappy.) Anyway, long story short, my office was the only one where they could add another desk and so she now works right across from me. If I may be blunt, you should see the butt on that girl! Round and firm, which, I discovered just last week, is the result of over a decade of martial arts practice. All of her looks pretty trim and fit. Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem particularly attracted to me (I checked using my faerie sight and there’s just nothing there–oh well). It’s all right, I’m getting everything I need from Martine anyway–though I’ll admit I wouldn’t mind tapping this new sexy girl. All this brings us to yesterday. We were both focused on our work when I suddenly heard hear gasp and look up. “Is everything all right?” I asked. She hesitated before answering. “Yeah… I think so. Just a leg cramp. I trained hard yesterday, that’s probably why.” She paused. “I’m going to take a little walk, that’ll… loosen the muscle a little.” She got up and walked away, her tight jeans giving me a great view of the contour of her ass. I sighed in my mind, thinking it was such a shame she wasn’t attracted to me, and as a reflex I checked her out with faerie sight. And to my surprise, I saw a bright glow of arousal I hadn’t expected. If I were to rate it on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is her baseline non-sexed state at work and 5 is an orgasm, she was a three. That’s what you get after fifteen minutes of good foreplay. No way! I double-checked just as she turned to walk out of view and yeah, I confirmed it. A three for sure. So here’s the problem: neither Minx or Attitude were there. She was working, not masturbating, so that arousal didn’t make sense. And it wasn’t anything I did either; unlike Martine, who is my thrall (as faeries call them–see my old blog entry about this if you don’t remember), Jo is just an ordinary girl. I can’t affect her using my gifts. I suppose it could just be that she has a high sex drive and something unexpected triggered it, but I’m also thinking it might be something else. I guess I’ll have to be vigilant and keep an eye on her. I certainly wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened with Morgan Reiss a few years back… As for Jo herself, she came back to her desk some 10-15 minutes later and her arousal had abated to normal levels. Either it passed on its own or she did something about it. (I prefer to fantasize about that second option, imagining her embarrassment at having to masturbate at work…) –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Jaycee’s Quickies #011

The latest strip is online! [READ PREVIOUS] With surprising strength, the lady cop flipped me over and, pressing herself against me, kissed me fiercely. I was still somewhat in shock, though it wasn’t hard to figure out what was causing all this. “Let’s take this to the next level,” Attitude said from the car. Next thing I knew, our pants and underwear were flying off in multiple directions, no doubt flung about thanks to one of Attitude’s nasty spells. I was puzzled for a moment, not expecting one of her spells to work on me, but dimly remembered I wasn’t completely immune to faerie magic. (I say ‘dimly’ because most of my blood was now flowing to my boy parts, which were pretty aroused by that point.) Maybe it was my unconscious willingness to allow the spell to work that made the difference. But I digress. Where was I? Ah yes. Hot, bare-assed ladycop. Blood flow. Rock hard penis. Right. She broke the kiss to reach down and guide me into her butt, shivering as I entered her. “N-need you… *gasp* back there…” She straddled me, right there on top of the hood of my car, and with both hands ripped her shirt wide open, revealing massive breasts clad in a plain white bra. “Whoa…” I said with all the eloquence my blood-deprived brain could muster. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She shouted with enthusiasm as her crotch ground against mine. Her backdoor was tight and hot around me, gripping my shaft with desperate need. I looked at her as she screamed, her eyes rolled back, wantonly offering all of her delights to me like nothing else mattered to her. There was no way this couldn’t turn me on and I’m sure Attitude knew it. It wouldn’t be long before I came hard, and I suspected it would be the same for her… [READ NEXT] Not a member? Want to get all the goodies? button

Maid Marie Figurine Poll

Hi, The Maid Marie figurine is going to be available soon. I’m trying to figure out how to price it and I’d appreciate hearing from those of you who are interested. Please bear in mind this is a premium item done through 3D printing, and the figurine is 7″ tall (so, not small!). If you could take a few seconds to fill out the poll below, it’d be hugely helpful. Thanks, –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Jaycee’s Quickies #010

The latest strip is online! [READ PREVIOUS] The cop fell on top of me, moaning. I could feel her heavy breasts pushing against my left arm, pinning it against my back. “Wh-what…?” I asked, not understanding (yet) what was happening. Inside the car, the faeries were observing the scene and chatting. “Did you just…?” Minx started. Attitude cut her off. “Yup. It’s the old Phantom Penis spell. I love my classics.” I don’t know what “classics” means to a faerie, but I’d heard about this one. It’s when a female (or, occasionally, a male) gets “invaded” by an invisible and untouchable penis. The victims feel EVERYTHING, as if it was really there, though they can’t see or touch it. And from the way the female officer was squirming on top of me, it was a pretty skilled phantom penis too. “So,” Minx continued, “she’s… getting it?” “She most certainly is,” Minx answered. On top of me, the cop started pushing her hips back and forth against my butt, as if every thrust she was receiving was passed on to me. To anyone looking on, it would have looked like she was humping me. “Getting it good…” Attitude continued. “S-so big…” the officer said. “THICK!” “Getting it REAL good.” Attitude concluded. And then, after less than a minute of ghost sex, the female cop tensed up on top of me, a telltale sign she was seconds from coming. “Filling meeeeAAAAH!” she screamed. “OH YES! GOD YES!” [READ NEXT] Not a member? Want to get all the goodies? button

Members: Marie Figurine Preview (WIP)

A few months ago, I polled to see which character would be most popular as a figurine. Not surprisingly, Marie came at the top of the list. Therefore, I enlisted the help of a modeler to make her into 3D (based on a model sheet by Wondollar). This is very much a work in progress, but I’m hoping you’ll see all the potential. UPDATE: Added a second image (getting closer to the final version). –Jaycee “I’m doing it.” Continue reading “Members: Marie Figurine Preview (WIP)”

(Coming Soon)