Blog: Jo’s Rings

The holiday period went great, thanks for asking. I’m glad to say my glasses have finally returned to normal. Attitude said it was a weak and pretty sloppy spell (she DID cast it in anger), so it wasn’t going to last very long. If you ask me, it lasted too long. Sure, there were some upsides (like seeing what a LOT of hot chicks looked like under their layers of winter clothing), but when it comes to work colleagues (or chubby folks shopping at Wal-Mart), I found out a lot more than I would have wanted. Didn’t think I’d see Jo before coming back to work, but Martine & her had a few nights out. We did run into each other when I dropped Martine off to meet with her, but we didn’t chat much. From what Martine told me, she admitted to having the rings, but didn’t seem too enthusiastic about it. If it’s typical faerie magic, I’m guessing she can’t take them off and that probably freaks her out a little. Should I approach her about what I know, and tell her about faeries in general? That might freak her out more. Also, it might bring to light the fact that I know about the rings and raise questions about HOW I found out. Don’t know if I want to go there… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Magic Glasses (V)

Happy Winter Solstice (whatever you call it in your own religion)! I’m keeping the update short today because I went to bed pretty late last night. Martine was pretty turned on by the end of the night (my fault, I might have induced that in her…), so we had to have a little after-party party of our own… I’ll spare you the details of dinner, except to say that it was very tasty. It was great to see Brooke & Megan–we don’t hang out nearly as much as I’d like to. I’ll fix that in 2016, I promise. But the important part is about Jo’s nipple & clit rings, right? That’s why you’re here reading this on a Christmas morning… So subtle as always, Martine brought up the topic of getting nipple rings for herself, but was concerned about the pain and all. Any of you girls know anything about that? Jo blushed a little and said nothing. Megan knew tons of models who’d gotten them and talked us through the clinical aspects of it, including post-op soreness & sleeping issues (you don’t want to sleep on them, of course), but all in all, seems to be a simple process, not very painful. Martine insisted, turning to Jo. “Have you heard differently?” she asked. Jo shook her head. “Not much more, the pain isn’t a big deal, if there’s any pain at all.” So that was that. We couldn’t get more out of Jo than that. I think the bit about “if there’s any pain at all” is a bit telling, don’t you think? Isn’t thins something you’d say if rings had magically appeared in your nipples and clitoris? Anyway, the evening was fine. I was feeling a bit naughty so I increased Martine’s level of arousal any time she spoke to Jo–which she figured out and kept doing anyway. I also noticed that Brooke & Megan felt very attracted to each other. It’s nice to see they’re still feeling that way after being together for this long (it’s not Brooke’s habit to date someone for years…). I probably won’t hear from Jo until after the holiday, but I’ll keep you posted on anything I find out. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Magic Glasses (IV)

Minx came with me to the office yesterday and confirmed that Jo did have nipple rings now. She also dove under Jo’s desk and examined her nether parts. She later revealed that Jo had another little ring down there too. Seems like all three rings have some kind of latent magical trigger, but Minx can’t really identify it–it’s not something she’s very good at. As far as I can tell, there’s no apparent scarring, so it’s pretty clear to me these rings were magically attached to Jo. She’s given no indication that she was freaking out about this, but then again, she wouldn’t talk about that with a colleague, especially not knowing that I live with faeries and I’m familiar with this magical stuff. She’d probably be too concerned about looking like a freak. I spoke to Martine about this last night and she’s going to help. She’s organizing a small holiday dinner tomorrow night and is going to invite Jo (who’s new in town and has no one to celebrate with), Brooke & Megan. Maybe she can squeeze some information out of Jo… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Magic Glasses (III)

I spent most of the weekend inside, except to go see Star Wars (no spoilers, don’t worry!). It was a tough call: I weighed the desire to see the movie against what I knew I was going to see in the line-up and sitting around me. I decided to go for it. Then, this morning, it was back to work. I was half hoping the glasses would have returned to normal, but they hadn’t. That meant I would have to look at Jo naked most of the day–oh, WOE is me! I mean, she’s sexy as hell to look at, but I can’t get any good work done. It’s distracting! It’s arousing! I get turned on knowing I’m seeing her naked without her realizing what I’m seeing. It’s kind of like that erotic story I read a long time ago (the title escapes me) where the girl is hypnotized to THINK she’s wearing clothes, but the protagonist sees her completely naked. It’s pretty twisted, I know, but it kind of turns me on… Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is that I noticed something… extra about Jo this morning, something I wouldn’t have noticed had I not had the x-ray glasses: she has nipple rings! She DIDN’T have those on Friday, I know it! There’s no way I can ask Jo about them, of course… I’ll have to ask Minx to come with me to work tomorrow and have a look at those. Maybe she can tell me something about where they came from. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Daily Pinterest Hotties

You might have noticed already, but if not, just know I’ve added a link to my Pinterest board of “Babes & Pinups” in the right sidebar of this page. I’m constantly adding new images that I think are sexy and stimulating (to me, anyway). There are almost 6,000 images already, and although they are technically Pinterest friendly, I think you’ll find them titillating with just a little bit of imagination. You might even want to save some to your “personal” stash, who knows? 😉 Just another service here at Bloomin’ Faeries! –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Magic Glasses (II)

So now I have a choice: walk around blind as a bat or with an hard bat. (See what I did there?) As mentioned yesterday, Attitude’s enchanted my glasses to see through people’s clothes. I’d ask her (nicely) to remove it, but she’s gone missing. Minx’s no help, she can’t remove Attitude’s spells–she doesn’t have the magical chutzpah to do it, and even if she did she wouldn’t dare. So I’m stuck walking around looking at naked people all day. Well, not totally naked. I DO see they are wearing clothes, but it’s as if they’re only there at 10% transparency. I can roughly tell what they’re wearing, but it’s very faint. Their naked bodies, however, are 100% visible. Take Jo, for example. She came in this morning wearing long black pants, a yellow long-sleeved shirt and suspenders. I can also tell she’s wearing a black bra and nice matching underwear (I wonder if it’s the same that Minx enchanted last week…). Very nice choice in clothing, but all I can focus on are her perky boobs, tight pink nipples, and the fact that she shaves all of her public hair. (Is that a general habit or does she do this for a special someone? Maybe Sam?) This morning, she was asking me something and it startled me. I was imagining running my tongue between her legs and it had given me a huge boner. I had to ask her to repeat the question. She wanted to know if I was fine, I was looking a little pale this morning. Considering where most of my blood was flowing, that wasn’t too surprising. I said I was fine, nothing to worry about, just lack of sleep. “Martine keeping you up all night,” she said with a laugh. I choked a little and tried to smile. “Yeah, something like that.” Okay, so she’s hinting at my sex life, now? Looks like we’re becoming more than just colleagues. And looking at her aura, she seems… “friendlier” toward me. Just ducky. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Magic Glasses

It was bound to happen. Heck, I’m shocked Attitude didn’t do it before. I’ve mentioned several times before that faerie magic can’t really affect me, not without the faerie making tremendous efforts to make the spell stick–and even then, it’s not going to be for very long. The problem is, that immunity (or, for you gamers out there, that magical resistance) only applies to my self, not to objects I’m using or wearing. Like my glasses. I should back up. Last night, Attitude was in one of those moods. She had spent most of the day (or, at least, claims that that’s what she did) discreetly following Jo around to see if she could find out more about the Unknown Faerie that might be affecting her. That apparently did not go according to plan and she came back home fuming. Maybe my tone was a bit too cheerful, but she did not like my encouragements and told me to shut up. I may have made things worse by rolling my eyes and giving her some sass (“Well, excUUUUUse me for caring.”). She just snapped, turned in my direction, and flung a spell like a pitcher throws a baseball. It hit me squarely between the eyes, leaving me momentarily dizzy before my “immunity” dissipated the magic. It was only this morning, after I left my place, that I discovered what she’d done. My glasses now see through everyone’s clothes. EVERYONE’S. It wasn’t so bad standing near a total hottie and (discreetly) ogling her assets and hoping she didn’t notice my raging hard-on, but the chubby and hairy bus driver was a big turn off. It was much, much worse at the office, sitting across from Jo and watching her type emails on her computer with complete professionalism, unaware that through my glasses, she was stark naked. (And the boobs on that girl are spectacular, let me tell you.) I sported a rather big boner all afternoon. I was glad she had to leave on time. I made up some excuse that I had to stay a bit longer to wrap up some projects, so I had time to “calm down” before leaving. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but spells cast on inanimate objects tend to be easier to do and last longer. So I don’t know how long I’ll be able to see through everyone’s clothes this way… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)