Blog: Jo’s Rings (XV)

Yesterday, I tried making Jo’s boobs grow, and it was a success. One of the buttons on her blouse popped off (narrowly missing my face). Today, she came to work wearing a larger, woolen shirt, and looked at me defiantly the moment she came in. I looked at her questioningly; her only answer was to close the door, lean against it, and close her eyes. So I obliged. I talked and made her boobs grow and watched with fascination as they filled out her loose shirt. She caressed them, then slipped a hand under it to grope one of her expanding breasts. I saw some massive underboob and a hint of puffy nipple. She squirmed and moaned and pressed her hand against her crotch, the sensations obviously bringing her closer to orgasm. And then, all of a sudden, I stopped everything right there. She was probably seconds away from her climax and ready to go. She looked at me, almost furious. “No! You can’t stop now!” But I didn’t restart anything. Instead, I pointed at my watch to remind her of the time. We had an appointment with our boss to give him a status on our current projects, and we were already late. I can only imagine the itch she needed to scratch. She was cranky for the entire meeting and didn’t look like she wanted to contribute anything. (It probably didn’t help that I was doing all the talking for us.) When it was over, we headed back to our office, but as we passed the bathroom door, she grabbed my wrist and yanked me inside. Apparently, there was some unfinished business to attend, and I was the man (or tongue) for the job. It’s okay, we weren’t gone long, as it turns out she only needed a minute to get there. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: A New Thrall (IVb)

Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to update you on what happened Friday. I visited Brooke for the entire weekend. He lives out of town, so there was pretty much no time to get any writing done. (I did see Deadpool, though, and it was awesome!) I won’t get into the details (got work to do and a co-worker to arouse), but she got there before I did, and was greeted by Martine, whom she had awakened and was only wearing a flimsy bathrobe. (She works night shifts at the club, remember?) I was there shortly after, but I can only imagine what was going through Karine’s mind. Maybe she was scoping the competition, maybe she was envious of Martine’s abundant curves, maybe she was having some lesbian fantasy? (I doubt that last scenario had any truth to it, but I always like to think of women fantasizing about lesbian scenarios, it’s just a guy thing…) When I got there, we got straight to business. We all sat around the table and looked at the plans and discussed some of the changes I had asked for. While this went on, I also decided I wanted to do a comparison test–would I have more fine control over one or the other, or were my abilities with them equally effective. In other words, was I more attuned to one versus the other (i.e. probably Martine) or were my abilities even versus all women. You know, FOR SCIENCE! So instead of jacking up their sexual heat (and despite what I’m sure would have been a fantastic threesome), I decided I wanted to gradually arouse their nipples and see how that impacted their overall arousal. I imagined a dial from 1 to 10, where 1 was hardly anything, and 10 was an irresistible desire to pinch and tweak them, and I started the “competition” at 1. Every minute, I increased it by 1 and watched their arousal levels. Until 3, hardly anything happened. Around that time, though, Martine realized what I was up to and shot me a lusty glance. Yeah, she knew what I was doing and she approved. At 4, she was subtly arching her back and forcing her nipples to push against the fabric of her bathrobe. I could see both her and Karine’s arousal were physically similar, suggesting my abilities worked equally well on different women, but Martine knew what I was doing and was getting turned on by that very idea. By the time we got to 6, I could see Karine was distracted and Martine was starting to breathe heavily. Karine’s nipples, which seemed to be puffier than Martine’s when aroused, were pushing through her woolen shirt despite the fabric’s thickness. She caught my glance and blushed furiously. She must be used to the attention, but also (from the way she dresses) reluctant to let it define her or her relationships. At that point, though, the temptation to forget propriety and personal boundaries must have felt overwhelming. She had to be thinking about one thing alone: relieve that crazy itch. At 9, she asked in a trembling voice where the bathroom was. I pointed to the one on this floor, but said there was a bigger one upstairs, and she should probably use that one instead. She got up on wobbly legs and rushed up. The moment she was gone, Martine grabbed a hold of her breasts and massaged them. She came before we got to 10. Minx (who was spying on Karine for me) told me she lifted her shirt over her big boobs as soon as she was out of sight, then pinched and massaged her nipples all the way up to the bathroom. She came almost exactly at the same time as Martine, just as she closed the door and leaned against it for support. It was, by Minx’s account, quite powerful. Having seen Martine’s, I totally believe it. I left both women alone after that, though Martine wasn’t done with me after Karine had gone. I was a little late to work because of that. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Crazy Idea?

For a LONG time, I’ve been tinkering with the idea of taking Bloomin’ Faeries! to video (insane, right?). Ever since I saw a short movie (20 minutes?) named Mood Boobs done for a budget of about $6k, I’ve been toying with the idea of something similar. I just didn’t really know where to start or how to budget for it, and it just laid there as one of my 200 untouched projects. Then, yesterday, I reached out to the director of Mood Boobs just to see if this would be something realistic/feasible/interesting–wasn’t even sure I had the right address. It was more of a whimsical attempt, I wasn’t really expecting a response, but suddenly, out of the blue, he wrote back and we exchanged several emails during the day. This helped me give more shape to that project, and here’s what it looks like right now.
  • This would be a collection of 5- to 10-minute long webisodes
  • All the webisodes would be connected to form a mini-series
  • Crowdfunding would be used to finance the project (specifics TBD)
  • The setting would be modern (like the blog, not the comic) to keep costs under control
    • Maybe Attitude would be involved?
If I were to go the crowdfunding route, I’d need to think about good rewards for backers, the kind of stuff that makes them feel like they’re on the inside, but also not stuff that creates tons of additional costs. Anyone has thoughts? What do you think? Is this something worth doing or do I fold and move on? –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (XIV)

I just tested something… Jo was just there, working and minding her own business, when I started wondering if I could make her breasts grow like I did yesterday. And almost immediately, she looked startled and looked down at herself. Yeah, her boobs were filling out rapidly, growing an extra cup and pushing against her shirt. She covered her breasts and whimpered, looking at me. “It’s happening again!” she whispered urgently. “They’re growing again!” I grinned. “Why don’t you play with them a little? Maybe pinching the tips will help? Would you like me to talk you through it?” She didn’t need much coaxing, though. She looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching, and pinched and rolled her nipples between her fingers. She fought to keep her voice down, but it wouldn’t have been hard for anyone passing by to see what was going on (on one did, though). And after a minute or two of this treatment, she shook and came hard, her breath coming in short, spastic gasps. So, it look like I can make her breasts grow after all… I wonder why I couldn’t do it again yesterday. Maybe I’ll try again later, and if it doesn’t work, then perhaps it means it’s a once-a-day type deal? Curiouser and curiouser… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: A New Thrall (IIIb)

Karine showed up at around 4PM at the café, a bit red faced and embarrassed. She apologized for being late and we got to business right away. Even though she was wearing one of those big thick wool shirt designed to keep warm and hide her assets, I could tell from her aura that she was aroused. Since she was late, I couldn’t help get a little playful and pretend to take advantage of the situation. As we finished signing the documents and were ready to part ways, she apologized again for being late. I shook her hand and sent a spontaneous sexual shiver between legs and smiled. “It’s a bummer, that’s the last time I see you, right?” She paused, her eyes fluttering. “N-no, not really, I’ll be there every step of the way if you need anything.” I gave her “the look” and wiggled my eyebrows. “Aaaaaaanything?” I asked. I sent more heat through her. She stammered and blushed some more, still holding my hand but no longer shaking it. Her touch shifted to something… softer. “I… I guess so,” she replied with a small voice. I let go of her hand and walked away, but kept cranking up her arousal. I barely heard her repressed whimper, but I knew the heat had to be driving her insane and she had to be squirming to control her pleasure. By now, she’s probably thinking she’s inexplicably attracted to me and wondering how to get me in bed. Got a few ideas about that. I’ll be seeing her again, I’m sure… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: A New Thrall (IIIa)

So I’m sitting here in the cafe, waiting for Karine, and she’s late. She somehow got confused (bless her pretty blonde little head) and had booked the meeting for 4:15PM instead of 3:15PM like we’d agreed by email. So now she’s on her way, but I’m still waiting. As I’m typing this, I’m reaching out to her body and increasing the sensitivity of her breasts. I’m going to double it every 5 minutes and when she gets here, I’ll let it drop by half every 5 minutes. She better get here fast or we’re going to have a very “interesting” meeting. 🙂 –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (XIII)

I was out of the office yesterday, had to get to a dental appointment that ended up taking most of my day. I probably have to go back on Friday… But this morning, I got there a little late. Jo was at our office, as usual, and talking to our boss. I nodded to both as I passed them to go sit at my desk. I started reading my email when I noticed one from Jo with a video attachment. My screen is facing a wall, so no one could see it. I made sure the volume was off and played the video. It was a selfie video from Jo who, through some clever cupping, was pushing up her cleavage into the webcam of her laptop. She had some small earbud headphones on and I can only assume she was listening to my voice. She certainly looked aroused enough, and the small tents on the tips of boobs swept any remaining doubt away. I looked over at her, but she and our boss were still engaged in conversation. Obviously, her boobs weren’t huge, but seeing her push them up into a super-cleavage like that made me wish they were. I found myself imagining them growing one cup size, overflowing from her bra and stretching it to capacity. I imagined they filled her somewhat form-fitting blouse and caused little stretch holes between the buttons at chest level–little sexy holes I could see her bra through. And then, I swear, it looked like that’s exactly what was happening. Her boobs started expanding. Slowly, but I noticed it. She shifted around on her seat and I could tell she was curving her shoulders a little to hide the inflation she was feeling. Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away at her computer, brushing her hair to hide her embarrassment. She mumbled some excuse that an important email had just come in and she needed to take care of it, and our boss left us alone. I looked at her. “Are your… you know… are they… getting bigger?” She nodded quickly and bit her lips. “Yeah… But that’s impossible! That’s crazy! How can that happen?” She looked around wildly and cupped her breasts as if to stop them from expanding that way. Her arousal was through the roof and I kept imagining her boobs getting bigger still. My gaze must have betrayed my interest and she snapped at me. “Stop it! If you’re doing this, just stop! I’m going to get in trouble!” I smiled. “For having super-sized boobs? I don’t think so…” My voice was still having an effect on her and she whimpered. I kept talking for a little bit, relishing in the sight of this sexy buxom woman rubbing her body and twisting in her chair, then stopped–both the talking and the focus on her growing breasts. It took a few minutes, but everything returned to normal. Her arousal lingered on for a good while later, though, as if she had enjoyed it and wanted it to happen again. In other news: in a few hours, I’m meeting with Karine to deliver a check for my condo… Oooh, the possibilities… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: Jo’s Rings (XII)

This morning, Jo motioned for me to follow her (silently) to the stationery closet. She was wearing the same skirt I’ve seen her wear before, plus a blouse showing more cleavage than appropriate for the workplace. Once we were in the closet, she locked it from inside and unbuttoned her blouse a bit more. Damn those breasts looked good in that bra! I could see from her aura (and from her stiff nips) that she was already super excited and just waiting for me to talk. So I did. She moaned and mewed, and squirmed where she stood. In a bold move (for me), I grabbed her into my arms and whispered dirty suggestions in her ear (things I’d like to do to her lady parts, among other things). More moaning accompanied by intense shivering and pressing her body against mine. Screw this, I decided. I kissed her. She pushed her hips against mine, probably to feel how hard I was, then broke the kiss, probably satisfied by the answer. “Keep talking,” she ordered. So I did. She pulled up her skirt and kept squirming against me. Then she guided my hand between her legs and I knew what she wanted. (I bet you do too.) I slipped my hand in her underwear and pushed two fingers inside her. With my spare hand, I grabbed one of her breasts and freed it from the bra. I tweaked the puffy tips while I kept talking, and she convulsed in pleasure right at that moment. I thought she was good and done after that, but without a word, she knelt before me and unzipped my pants. She looked up, ordered me to keep talking, and returned her attention to my erection while pleasuring herself with one hand. A good time was had by all. Great way to end the week, if you ask me. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)