BF Readers Club

I’m thinking about starting a BF Readers Club, something informal where, once in a while, I publish a link to a comic or story that readers think would be of interest to other Bloomin’ Faeries! readers. Naturally, it’d have to be something that features one or more of the themes found in the BF comic. Anyone interested in suggesting some stories? Do so by emailing me (please use the Contact option in the menu bar). –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Big SIX YEARS Announcement!

Hi everyone, Starting April 11, we’ll be celebrating SIX YEARS of faerie mischief! Holy crap! Has it been this long already? How time flies! And to celebrate this momentous anniversary, we’re doing a BIG CHANGE to Bloomin’ Faeries! Rather than continuing with the standard 4-panel gag strips we’ve been for the last 6 years, we’re moving to a new narrative format that I call (for lack of a better word) a DOUBLE-SIZED narrative format. We’re going to move away from the gag-a-week format and focus more on telling a more compelling story using the characters you all know and love. There might still be some gags, but we’re going to focus more on a continuous story. So stay tuned, starting with strip #329, we’re making the switch to a new-and-improved Bloomin’ Faeries! universe. –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

Blog: My Thrall Jo (IV)

I took Jo shopping this weekend (Martine couldn’t come with, but she made me promise to tell her all about it later, which I did). I figured if I am to keep on “torturing” her the way I’ve been doing, the least I can do is buy her some clothes (and lingerie). The clothes part was fine. It wasn’t particularly exciting, but she’s (thankfully!) a fast shopper and didn’t have any trouble choosing which shirts and skirts she wanted. The lingerie part was more enjoyable (and, as it turned out, a new experience for me). There was this kit that we both agreed looked nice, so she went to try it on. Since we’re “close” now, she called me inside the booth to check it out once she had it on. It was red and black and TIGHT in all the right places! It got my imagination (and libido) running, and it wasn’t long before I transferred some of that excitement to her. More interestingly, though, I found myself fantasizing about her boobs being too constrained and popping out of the top. Nothing physical happened, but I noticed she shivered and stammered, as if something was wrong. “You okay?” I asked. “Yeah,” she nodded. Then she grabbed her breasts with both hands and shook her head. “N-no, something’s odd…” “What is it?” She massaged her boobs and moaned. “It’s like… Oooh… Like they’re growing. Can’t you see? They’re at least one cup size bigger.” It was my turn to shake my head, everything looked normal, just like before. But Jo kept moaning and squirming, rubbing her boobs as if it was going to make them shrink of something. The more she insisted they were getting bigger, the more I wanted them to grow, but nothing seemed to change. Same (and still very nice) chest as before. Finally, I relented, not so much because I wanted to stop, but because her moans were starting to get a bit loud for a public place. It looked like the sensations stopped and she looked at me, panting. “You did that, didn’t you? You made them grow?” “But they DIDN’T grow!” I protested. But she insisted they had, and were overflowing so bad she thought the nice frilly top she’d tried on was going to burst. She wouldn’t take my word that nothing had changed and punched me in the shoulder (ow!). “Well, don’t do it again!” she ordered. Which meant precisely the reverse, I knew. Anyway, I’ve done a few more tests and it looks like when I push things just the right way, she completely believes her breasts are growing, with all the visual and tactile sensations that come with it. I don’t get to see or enjoy any of it, but it sure looks pleasurable… –Jaycee “I’m doing it.”

(Coming Soon)