
I just saw my credit card bill for June, and saw that SOMEHOW I got charged for a few dozen softcore DVDs that were shipped to me!!! What the heck?!?

So these weren’t gifts after all, but some credit card hack! To whoever did this: screw you!!!

And of course, Attitude denies everything.

Well, I guess if I’m going to look at the silver lining, I should be happy that *I* got the DVDs. Whoever hacked my credit card could have sent them to himself…

All right, I’m off to cancel my card and get another one.


6 thoughts on “$400?!?

  1. wait a tick…. someone hacked your credit card, bought $400 worth of softcore porn for you to enjoy (along with a few friends) and sent it to you out of the goodness of their heart? I know thats what happened in a nutshell, but have you had any suspicious emails? viruses? people going through your trash in the middle of god-awful morning?

    Methinks either you have a secret admirer with access to your credit card details (and i seriously doubt that the folks at the bank are THAT into people) or someone’s trying to send a message.

    Thankfully, its not “ya gonna be sleepin’ wit da fishies ya sees?” or something along the lines of an equivalent of the horse’s head on your pillow. Although, when it comes to porn, I always assume it’s Rule 34. Still, it looks pretty much like a message to me. Either its a come-on from a lady friend who’s practically throwing herself at you, or something more subtle.

    of course, for us guys, subtle is like a brick through a glass pane. Not thinly veiled messages in soft-core porn. But $400 dollars worth? I could imagine a HELLUVA lot better ways to send a message than softcore porn!

    1. Yeah, you have a few good points. First, there were the problems with my iPhone (which, btw, still has a MASSIVE vibration to it, and a porn wallpaper, even if the ecstatic ringtone is gone…). Now this. There’s some kind of electronic stalker at work, that sounds pretty clear to me.

      Maybe the problem isn’t a hacker as much as a magic-powered intrusion through my personal devices. I’m wondering if this doesn’t have something to do with that Hobo and the Funcam…


      1. hmmm…. well, it is logical, i mean, we’re talking about a bunch of fairies that can turn cameras into things that make women drop their clothing at the drop of a hat (ah, puns, they’ll never get old!). But in all seriousness, it stands to reason that phones and computers can be affected too….

        wait a second. cameras, phones, computers…. i shudder to think of what they could do to cars or even coffee machines (although, that one would be a bit hard). Those lusty legends of love! messing with a man’s coffee would be just WRONG!

        Still… there are better ways of saying “JAYCEE! i love you! notice me!” than sending you softcore porn. Maybe flowers or a few magazines…

        1. As you put it… NO ONE should touch a man’s coffee. That’s sacred.

          With regards to the electronics, I’m going to have to give this a closer look. It all sounds pretty convoluted, even for faerie trickery. Normally, Attitude’s approach is rather straightforward: she puts a curse on an object and a person, and watches the result. I haven’t known her to go so far as to buy things (can she even use a credit card???) and THEN curse these things. There’s got to be another explanation…


  2. Well… I hope they were good quality at least. Or that you’re able to sell them on eBay or something to get some of the money back.

    1. I’m a little reluctant to sell them to anyone… If they’ve been cursed, do I REALLY want to be responsible for someone else’s misfortune?

      (Plus, Mandy thinks we should watch a few more, so I’m hesitant to get rid of them…)


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