Chapter 14 – Feminine Fates Now For Sale

You probably already know that the free comic is months behind the free version that you’re getting here (and that backers get one page every week instead of three per month). I’ve just released Chapter 14 – Feminine Fates on my Patreon Shop. Click on the image below to get your own copy for less than the price of a (admittedly overpriced) Starbucks coffee:

The chapter is $4. May I remind you that becoming a backer will give you access to ALL THE PAGES that you haven’t read yet, which is an even better deal?

Hope to see you on the other side.


Introducing…FREE Comics!

It’s about time I start sharing some stuff that was done a LONG time ago (pre-Patreon) and that has been sitting unread for years. Starting with Sir Thane, a 10-page B&W story that was illustrated by TirNaNogIndustries (a DeviantArt artist). It features Sir Thane and Gustav’s first encounter with the female white dragons that are at the core of the current storyline. It kinda makes sense that this story becomes public considering where we are in the main comic.

Here’s page 1. Go read the rest by checking the FREE Comics menu or clicking on the image below.